攝影是工具,而不是目的。我在球場上攝影的另一個目的,是用攝影來分析揮杆的技術,以提高自己的球技。這裏記錄的是我在2009年4月在Shell Houston Open攝的明星們的揮杆動作分解。這裏的每一張都幾乎可以給我自己的揮杆一些啟發。希望愛好高球的朋友也喜歡。
那次用的是Canon 50D。這個相機,可以拍出6 frames per second速度,比5D(4.5 fps)還快。當然比1d的10fps慢很多。對這種題材,拍片速度挺重要。
(1) 這位是現PGA眾多明星裏最被女生喜歡的。雜誌上介紹說,他每去一個地方,追他的女生最多。也許,最後幾張最能說明為什麽。





(6) Very clear transition from backswing to downswing



(9) This is the toughest move for amateurs to learn.

(10) This is the kind of finish today's young players do. You have to have allot of flexibility.

(11) Can you do this?

(12) Reading green is as important as putting.

(13) Isn't he handsome or not?

(14) 夠帥的了吧?

(15) He is from Central American country, Columbia. He appeared as model on many photos.