
Sorry I don't have Chinese writing software, therefore, I must use English. Life is a journey. Each day, different people come


(2005-05-07 23:35:23) 下一個
Please tell me what love is?! During life, so many people come and go. During life, so many things happened. Have you ever think about the purpose for all the things you did? Did it not come to Love? Because you love somone or you try to acheive what you love in life, you did what you have to do. Sometime you make good decision and sometimes bad. After all, if you can't sleep at night at peace, you might did something during the day that is not out of love but the opposite. Agree?
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閱讀 ()評論 (2)
yman 回複 悄悄話 seems u r alittle lost/confused. one has to go thru love/life to understand the meaning of it. try not to think too much/deep, some of the questions have no answers, so don't tortue urself;-) just do what u gotta do

life is a journey, don't forget to enjoy the view
jean2005 回複 悄悄話 中文輸入軟件可以去網上下載啊。