
My Speak Up Presentation!

(2010-08-28 13:42:41) 下一個
Today it was my last day of my speak up class. When I got home I tried to find my Speak Up materials to preparefor the last day, but I couldn't find it anywhere! At this day my parents could watch how I improved at speaking.I looked everywhere from my room to downstairs, but I still couldn't find it. My mom said that maybe my dad couldhelp when he came back. I waited until he came back... When he finally came back he told me that it is rightbeside the door, we looked but it was no where to be found. He went outside to check in the car and then hetold that it wasn't in. It was almost time to go to my Speak Up class and we still didn't find it. When we were justabout to give up my mom remembered that she put my materials on a bookshelf! We happily drove to the location! But then we arrived at a steep hill and it was the middle of winter! We drove really hard up the slope and finally made it to the top. When we arrived at the location we sawmy teacher in her car and she said that we were locked outside because that the new janitor had unexpectedlylocked all the doors! We had to wait in our car for 15 minutes... Soon someone knocked on our glassand that was a signal that we could go in the building. We rushed in the building because we were so cold. When we were in our room my teacher Ms.Jay said that we would wait for the other people. Soon,two other people came. It was getting late so we started without the others. First, I performed. I wasnervous at first because of all the adults but it turned out really good. Second, it was Bill. The goodthing about him was that his eye contact was very good. Third, it was Mark. The good thing abouthim was that he tried his best. Soon, two twin girls arrived. Their names were Hazelle and Hazlet. Then they had their presentation.The first twin was very loud so we could hear her perfectly. Then second twin was much better thanlast time. After, Ms. Jay gave us a form for us to give some feedback. When we were done fillingout the feedback form, she gave each of us a certificate. I think everyone improved on their speakingincluding me! This class was great!2009年12月15日
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