Anthony Ryder 安托尼·萊德, 網站他和科林斯 (Jacob collins - 見“領略繪畫藝術的魅力 17”) 同從師於Ted Seth Jacobs. Ted seth Jacobs 號稱是法國學院派的傳人。studied at the Art Student's League of New York, the New York Academy of Art, and at the Ecole Albert Defois, in France, with oil painter Ted Seth Jacobs. He was chosen by Mr. Jacobs to be his substitute at the New York Academy in 1986. He subsequently taught at the Art Student's League, and has since taught painting and drawing in France, and in many parts of the United States. His work is based on a synthesis of observation and traditional painting theory. He works exclusively from life. His teaching method combines class demonstrations with individual critiques.
his works