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Democracy 民 主

(2010-01-05 12:26:30) 下一個

象所有的事情都有其來龍去脈一樣, Democracy 民主, 也可以追溯到它的藍色root.

Democracy has its origins in Ancient Greece(西方天文,科學,哲學的搖籃).[17][18] However other cultures have significantly contributed to the evolution of democracy such as Ancient Rome,[17] Europe,[17] and North and South America.[19] The concept of representative democracy arose largely from ideas and institutions that developed during the European Middle Ages and the Age of Enlightenment and in the American and French Revolutions.[20]  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy

The term democracy comes from the Greek language and means "rule by the (simple) people". The so-called "democracies" in classical antiquity (Athens and Rome) represent 先驅precursors of modern democracies. Like modern democracy, they were created as a reaction to a concentration and abuse of power by the rulers. Yet the theory of modern democracy was not formulated until the Age of Enlightment (17th/18th centuries), when philosophers defined the essential elements of democracy: separation of powers, basic civil rights / human rights, religious liberty and separation of church and state.

Often democracy 民主 is defined opposite to other types of government:

MonarchyGovernment by a single ruler (king/queen, emperor) 君主製
AristocracyGovernment by noblemen (hereditary) 貴族體製
OligarchyGovernment by few persons 寡頭製
Theocracy"Government by God" (in reality this means government by religious leaders) 神製
DictatorshipGovernment by people, that have seized power by force (often: military dictatorship) 獨裁(專)製 

Today, the majority of democratic countries in the world are republics, i.e. officials are elected. Some well-established democratic countries in Europe, however, (the United Kingdom, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg and the Scandinavian countries) are constitutional monarchies, i.e. a king or queen is head of state while the constitution guarantees nevertheless all basic rights as in any democratic republic and sets clear limits to duties and competences of the monarch. Such a king can be regarded as a stabilizing factor rather than as a danger for a democracy. Therefore the classical definition of democracy is little helpful - at least concerning monarchy.


這裏沒有提中國近代創造出來並嚐試過的 人民民主政權, 中國傳統的君主製和西方社會主義民主製度相結合的體製, 甚至沒有提東歐和蘇聯曾經的社會主義製度?

現今流行的 民主 下的 主義, 是民主思想到法律領導下的, 以資本作參照, 作尺度, 作杠杆來運作的人類生活和工作的社會製度

社會主義民主, 則是社會主義原則法規允許下的, 原則上還是由人民當家作主, 最大限度地享受自由的社會製度。The "majority rule" 咱也搞過呀: 少數服從嗍? 全黨服從中央

Monarchy君主製, 也是西方不曾認知和了解的, beyond 西方世界的comprehension, 會比西方任何一個都更深遠, 更全麵和俱道(把上麵的各種製度作為elements, 然後加起來, 可能還差不多), 囊括了從社會生活, 到思想教育, 甚至文化的各個層麵和領域。可 never 簡單化地由一個 King or Queen 說了算的。Shoud be 封建feudalism君主製度吧?

這樣看來, 在中國的土地和文化上 run 所謂的社會主義製度, 也並非偶然了? 既然 社會 是一個中間地段 至少依順了 中國和中國人民 喜 中庸, 好 平衡 的傳統了吧?
可是 社會主義 之所以 run 不常, 搞不穩定的問題, 也正好是 lay 在 '抓' 中間的毛病上有時變成了 '''隻會抓中間''' '抓大多數' , 上下, 就更加恐怖了! 

因為當沒有了上至天, 下到地的邊界範圍適合條件的定義, 中間, 其實反而變成了就算不是完全無解, 那也得不幸地被倫落在異常的不穩定狀態裏麵, A '天翻地覆' 的無常之中了

ALL Because Chinese Stomach IS Right In the Middle??

就象任何製度都是在當時的曆史時刻勝出於, 左著(或者右著), 先前或者對手製度, whether 打擂台 or 唱對台戲, 而湧現出來的, Democracy 民主製度當然也不例外。為著反對 power, seperate 肢解權勢而來。說問得更直接更難聽一些, 是為 '怕''躲''砸' 權力而來的嗎? 是不是也是天生的一帖狗皮膏藥呀? 沒病的時候也就不需要了吧?

中國罵西方民主虛偽, 也有它的道理, 那是當民主不得不和金錢(資本主義)結婚的時候。你一手民主, 那就該是共富同貧,同舟共濟,平等自由博愛了吧? 可為什麽另一隻手又死命地抓著
大錢不放? 難道不也是一種power權勢嗎? 咱能跟大錢來民主一番嘛?

沒成想, 哈哈,
when philosophers defined the essential elements of democracy: separation of powers, basic civil rights / human rights, religious liberty and separation of church and state. http://www.democracy-building.info/definition-democracy.html , 民主 本身是不是就成了也可以調用access各種power, 的另外一種 獨立於上至宗教, 下到 civil rights' practice (service), which is everyone's daily life 的 軟權勢 了呐? 跟什麽不能結合? '錢'自然也可以不例外呀

'錢' 社會主義製度裏的power相結合, 就成了社會主義(官僚)資本了嗎?

What can be better than 上
健康的精神文明, 人民群眾生活幸福, 中國家的繁榮富強呀?

While, can't complain them too much, can't we? 對自己沒有的, 當然定義不出來, 勉強與自己有限的經曆做比較, 用自己 limited knowledge 去認識, 自然難免出偏, 片麵。

同樣文化背景, or 類似指標環境裏的, 比較容易看得更準, 看得更加全麵。有的時候, 自己屬於吃幾碗飯的量級, 最高能蹦達到哪裏, easily 成了一目了然, 光天化日之下的事情。

中國自己的事情, better and best 由自己來做, 自己來承擔, there's no easy way out by copying or by being simply subordinating to others.

在中國, 有史以來, the BlueLine 的選拔, 能稱作, 知識民主 嗎? 應該是通過 "科舉製度" 來實現的吧? 知識麵前人人平等, as if 西方的 '法律麵前人人平等' 吧? 教育 is more approachable and workable than '法律' (too much of a way of bottom-line approaching for Chinese?) .

* This Article Ended Up 髒 亂 差 一些, 大家也就隻能 將就將就 

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