三天前在泳池遇到好友Flora, 大呼“Flora,你瘦了!”。 "是啊,減了12磅呢。” 這才幾天沒見, 更漂亮了。精神看上去很好。決定向她取經。Flora 用的是
The Master Cleanse. 中文版的在
3 day diet, 但效果不是很好。記得10年
前,還在KU讀書的時候,曾經的129磅的身形的確讓1米66的我看上去幾近prefect。20年前呢,曾經校花的我,105斤. 記得那時,隻要我一打網球,不一會,球場四周就會聚集一些同學看我打球。也許他們想一睹我這個學校女子網球冠軍的風采吧。對不起,又自戀了。 大學畢業兩年後, 在一次工作單位的文藝聯歡晚會上,我表演了一支獨舞,斯裏蘭卡《罐舞》。 我自小就長得像新疆維族人。 但也有人說我像印度人- 那時70年代流行印度電影,什麽大棚車之類的。 小時當被人這樣說還感覺相當良好。 可一到美國留學,看到那些黑溜溜的印度女同學時,就不知道為什麽人們愛那樣說我。扯遠了。那支《罐舞》跳的很成功,當然跟我的長相,一頭烏黑長發,還有那一身專門從歌舞劇院借來的《罐舞》服裝和道具分不開的。但令我糾結的是一位中年女同事當時竟說我舞跳得是好,但就是看上去太瘦太高了。 好沒道理!記憶裏的青春啊,為什麽總是那個高高瘦瘦的,永遠披著一頭長發的女孩子?
言歸正傳,減肥。其實在開始The Master Cleanse之前兩天,剛剛減掉2.6磅(from the first day of the 3 Day Diet). My goal is to complete a 14 days Master Cleanse and lose 15 pound.
Day 1: 7/15/2011 - Lost 2.6 pound on the first day of the 3 Day Diet. Precisely followed the first day of 3 day diet.
Day 2: 7/16/2011 - Gained 0.6 pound from eating a big hamburger at dinner. Started The Master Cleanse at 11:35pm by drinking a cup of Laxative tea.
Day 3: 7/17/2011 - Lost 3 pound - 32 oz salt water at 8:30am, 16 cups of lemonade, a cup of Laxative tea before sleep. The salt water was too hard to drink, but the lemonade is tasty.
Day 4: 7/18/2011 - Lost 1 pound - 32 oz salt water at 8:30am, 14 cups of lemonade, a cup of Laxative tea before sleep. Still drink as much lemonade as I could.
Day 5: 7/19/2011 - Lost 1.6 pound - 32 oz salt water at 8:30am, 12 cups of lemonade, 6 cups of water, a cup of diet tea before sleep, 30 minutes walk on the treadmill. Reduce the amount of lemonade intake and had walk on the treadmill weight loss program but hardly to finish. At the end, sweat a lot.
Day 6: 7/20/2011 - Lost 1 pound - 32 oz salt water at 8:00am, 10 cups of lemonade, 6 cups of water, a cup of diet tea before sleep. Continue reduced the lemonade intake - wanted to lose weight.
Day 7: 7/21/2011 - Gained 0.2 pound - 32 oz salt water at 9:15am,6 cups of lemonade, 4 cups of water, 2 cups of diet tea before sleep.
Day 8: 7/22/2011 - Lost 0.6 pound - 32 oz salt water, 6 cups of lemonade, 4 cups of water, 1 cup of Laxative tea before sleep. Spent whole day at the mall and didn't feel tired at all.
Day 9: 7/23/2011 - Lost 1.4 pound - 32 oz salt water, 6 cups of lemonade, 6 cups of water, 1 cup of Laxative tea before sleep. Had a picnic at The Folsom Lake and only drank my lemonade.
Day 10: 7/24/2011 - Lost 0.8 pound - 32 oz salt water, 6 cups of lemonade, 4 cups of water, 1 cup of diet tea before sleep.
Day 11: 7/25/2011 - Lost 1.2 pound - 32 oz salt water, 7 cups of lemonade, 2 cups of water, 1 cup of diet tea before sleep.
Day 12: 7/26/2011 - Lost 1.2 pound - 32 oz salt water, 6 cups of lemonade, 2 cups of water, 1 cup of diet tea before sleep.
Day 13: 7/27/2011 - First day after Master Cleanse - weighted at 142.4 pound, had orange juice only whole day.
Day 14: 7/28/2011 - Second day after Master Cleanse - weighted at 142.2 pound, had orange juice during the day and vegetable soup as dinner.
Day 15: 7/29/2011 - Third day after Master Cleanse - weight at 141.8 pound, had orange juice morning, vegetable soup lunch, and peach, Korean lemon as dinner.
Lost 11.8 pound on the 11 days of The Master Cleanse. Total lost 13.5 pound on 15 days of diet.