

(2013-03-15 14:47:56) 下一個

How to Marry a Millionaire

If you want to find a mate with money, follow these not-so-easy steps. It is hard work, but will be worth it if that is the lifestyle you want. Make sure this search is what you want, and never give up on finding true love.


1. Rule out that you cannot make the money on your own. It is easier. Give it a chance if you are young. Stay in school and understand what new fields are opening up. Invest money every month in a savings account-no matter how small - just start saving. If you are working, try to be the best in your job.

2. Evaluate and be realistic on your looks, brains and personality. If you are average looking, slow-witted with a dull personality, forget it. Write down a list of what needs to be improved, then do it. You need to look just as rich and powerful as the man you're trying to catch, but don't forget your personality and personal style.

3. Remember that most women have only a 10 to 15 year window to attract a wealthy man. Understand that that is the reality of life and you will improve your odds. Men; if you are looking to wed a wealthy woman, you have more time, but it is harder to do.

4. Catch them when they are young, like when they are just starting their business or still in graduate school. If the millionaire is a playboy with over-the-top bling, you will have a hard time. Go for the shy, reclusive type, or the one who is not so smooth.

5. Use your brain and don't be so obvious. Do not talk about how much money he has or how much she makes. If they bring it up, be polite but ask no questions. Make it not important in the conversation.

6. Avoid swearing, drinking, drugs, laughing loudly, aggressive behavior, and flashy outfits. Work on a more elegant style. Think classy and understated, not "labels". You want to be the girlfriend then wife. Not the mistress.

7. Educate yourself on the subjects the wealthy know about - most are very educated people. Understand current events and politics. Read non stop. History. Music. The Arts. Wine and good food. You need to have a conversation about all of these subjects.

8. Travel to the places where the wealthy hang out. Just be sure you are ready to mingle. Give yourself time to educate and improve yourself until you are in top form. Do your research and make a plan to meet him or her. Don't leave it up to "fate". Go with a friend, or by yourself. Make sure your friend is very attractive and subtle. If he/she looks like a street walker you shouldn't bring him/her.

9. Learn tennis, horse riding, golf or any other activities practiced by the wealthy.

10. Remember that if you are only marrying for money, don't do it. The marriage will never last if there's no love.


1. Don't accept gifts, not until you are engaged. Never let someone buy you because they won't respect you.

2. Don't sleep with him or her right away. Forget married men or women.

3. If you are a woman, never get pregnant to keep a wealthy man - it is a disaster.

4. Avoid him/her meeting your family too soon - he/she might be horrified by them. When and if he/she does meet them make sure it is appropriate and that your family can behave with class and style.

5. Never hit on any of their relatives or friends, unless they also are incredibly rich and he/she has not even the SLIGHTEST hint of being an affair. Marilyn Monroe pulled this stint off very well.

6. Do your research but be aware that wealthy men are careful. They want well bred wives who make them look good.

7. Women who have children can be attractive only if he likes them.

8. Learn to cook really well. Gourmet. Wealthy men want women who are wonderful hosts. Make him fabulous food.

9. Develop a well toned body but don't show too much skin. Forget getting those big boob implants and then spilling out of tiny tops; they are a no-no. Think "wife" material.

10. Look at your shoes, handbags and watch. Keep it simple, leather or natural materials and not cheap looking. Wealthy does not mean bling!

11. Dress in navy blue, browns, blacks, beige's and white. Avoid flashy colors except maybe in certain evening wear. You need to concentrate on classic, well-made pieces of clothes in natural materials--100% cotton, linen, silk, wool, cashmere, etc. It is far better to own a few pieces of good quality clothes than cheaply made ones. Avoid any clothes that have a brand name screaming across it.

12. Keep jewelry simple, no tattoos or piercings, makeup should be very subtle but pretty--throw away any colored eye shadows/glitter. It is far better to go with less makeup than too much.

13. Get a really good haircut with subtle highlights.

14. Be a really good lover. Learn the art of massage and use it on him. Give it 100%.

15. Don't pressure him to commit. He will just back away. If you have been with him over five years and no ring, get out.

16. Carve out alone time for yourself and let him miss you. Get a life, have friends and tons of interests. Make yourself interesting and fun to be with.

17. Always be a lady. Think Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn in public. Learn etiquette and always use it.

18. If he's a self-made millionaire, he wants to be with a woman who is good with money herself, not a spendthrift. Make sure you are reliable and responsible. Do not take money from him before you are married. In his mind this puts you in another category: "charity case," "freeloader," or "gold digger" (rather than true friend and wife material). A real man wants an equal, not a dependent.

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