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遊山記:我說,他說,她說(3)― 朱姆沃爾特大草甸

(2011-07-14 20:52:18) 下一個

朱姆沃爾特大草甸(Zumwalt Meadows)是國王峽穀中最流行的遠足小道,道路不長,坡度不大,屬於難度較低的路線。沿途的大森林開滿了野花,一邊是蜿蜒流淌的國王河,另一邊是垂直的花崗岩峭壁,遠處則是高聳的Glacier Monument和Buck Peak。



Today is Tuesday, the third day of our trip. Because of the earlier days’ tedious long drives, we decided to stay near our lodge today. We decided to walk to some meadow. The first attraction along the hike was the Roaring River Falls. The falls weren’t very big, but the force of the small river could still be felt by the mist reaching all the way across the river and the loud noise as the gallons of water smashed into a wall of rock. For the rest of the trail, we followed the North Fork King River. The river was relatively calm. 1.6 miles later, we finally reached the meadow, only to find that we couldn’t go into the meadow itself, but had to hike once again around the loop. Halfway through the loop, my grandparents dropped out, unable to continue through the easy trail. My dad also went back to make sure they did not get lost. Mom, my sister, and I continued the trek around the meadow. The meadow seemed very out of place with its reeds and water, as it looked like it belonged more to a wetland. The scenery was quite beautiful, but during our hike we encountered a big nuisance: mosquitoes. I ended up getting bit a total of 11 times, forcing me to spend the majority of the time slapping at my neck rather than looking up at the tall mighty cliffs and the surrounding area.

Today we went hiking. It’s supposed to be the easiest trail, but whoever rated it didn’t predict the suffering along the trail due to mosquito bites. I gained 2 mosquito bites, but 1 of them is really itchy.

To get to the scenic views, we had to cross over logs, tramp into puddles, cautiously balance on stepping stones (and fall off into a hungry creek), wade through underwater trails, climb over a rocky environment, stamp into quickmud, and swim through a sea of reeds. Yep, that’s one of the easiest trails. Oh, yeah, don’t forget the mosquitoes.

When we finally got back, we bought bug repellent and some sort of soothing lotion. Ah… finally I can stop being a collection of mosquito bites.

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