
Bryce Canyon, 2009 感恩節

(2009-12-07 19:00:12) 下一個

2009 感恩節 與眾人去了一趟Bryce Canyon, Zion and Brian Head. 在三地各呆了一天。匆匆忙忙一千裏。二十六日去了Zion, 隻有時間 hiking angels landing trail. 登上了頂峰。下山時天漆黑了。二十七日在Brian Head ski. 二十八日去了Bryce Canyon.

從 Cedar City 到Bryce Canyon, 二小時左右路程。 去的路上天氣就不晴朗。時間不多,進入公園後就按公園介紹先到了Sunset point。 這時雪花開始飄下了。 第二站 Sunrise point, 天晴了一個多小時。 一隊人馬趕緊hiked down Navajo loop。 在Inspiration point 和 Bryce point 時,雪就不停地下, 且越來越大了。Hoping for the best and prepare for the worst, we decided to drive to Rainbow point directly and stop at as many view points as we can on the way back. 不幸的是,我們遇上了大風雪。。。在Rainbow point 匆匆停了一會, 就匆匆Vegas 趕。We decided to drive through Zion National Park via Highway 89 and then Highway 389 instead of a short route via Highway 14 and then Highway 15. This turned out to be a very wise decision. Otherwise we could have get stuck on Highway 14 in the very heavy snow since 4 of the 5 cars do not have snow chain and our cars started skidding even on highway 89. It was a very scary drive from Bryce Canyon until we reached highway 389.










#9 Rainbow point

#10 Rainbow point

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