

(2009-01-10 15:34:24) 下一個



南京路789酒吧66層, 靠窗的位置, 外灘和南京路的市景, 盡收眼簾。 這次回上海, 不是不失望的。 2010年世博會的憧憬已經在種種城市建築工地中充分顯示。 我也相信, 憑著中國人的意誌和能力, 兩年後的世博會將又是一個奧運級的成功。 


可我的心, 隨著外灘的開膛破肚, 也痛著呢。


年年回來都去的外灘那幾個老地方, 比如說金茂53樓的鋼琴吧, 比如說外灘18號的屋頂酒吧等等, 今年都無法再去了。 那些市政建設工程讓這些本是絕佳欣賞上海夜景的地方打上了疤痕。 我於是另辟新址。 世貿凱悅32樓的VEU BAR 有個不錯的北外灘夜景, 今天我又信步憑著感覺找到了ROYAL MERIDIEN 66樓“南京路789吧”。 


景色是夜上海的, 但不是我魂牽夢繞的夜外灘; 音樂是懷舊的, 但不是我思念已久的中文老歌。 難道我錯過了什麽?


這次選擇國慶期間回中國, 淋漓盡致感受了祖國的日益強壯以及那人多的力量。 雲南的香格裏拉麗江遊, 本是尋找那“迷失的地平線”。 最終發現桃源還是那美麗桃源, 隻是已不是那世外。世外的地方, 是人去不到的或者至少是人不多的地方。 如同魯迅先生所說, 走的人多了, 就成路了。 去桃源的人多了, 這世外就入世了。入世未必不好, 可我還是憧憬那空氣中那懶散清靜的味道。 好似倘漾在歐洲那些古老的街道, 那些曆史的懷舊的感覺 並不因經濟的發達現代的文明而失去應有的味道。那個根啊, 應該是深深地紮著,不要虛浮地飄著如同那斷了線的風箏。


這次回國見的老朋友不多, 這些年大家漸行漸遠, 生活的軌跡已是很不一樣。 有那一兩個還是會輕輕地扯著我心底的弦的故人, 為何我再也見不到當年的陽光燦爛的笑容, 為何眼底已是那迷失的深潭?多年前, 坐在街頭排檔吃著扁擔餛燉, 清貧但純真; 多年後, 坐著奢華裝修的高級餐館, 我們推杯交盞, 我們大朵果頤, 可為什麽不再聽到那具有穿透力的笑聲? 我們失去的, 僅僅是那開懷大笑的能力麽? 還是那自我本色, 已隨著漸行漸弱的上海味道, 也一一失去?


瞥了一眼酒單, 突然發現一直喝的那“COSMOPOLITIAN MARTINI”, 翻譯成 “四海為家”。 我問我心: 這是偶然還是必然?


我心淺笑不語, 但我懂我心。


The Lost Shanghai Flavor


66th floor, Nanjing Lu 789 Bar”, by the window, I am overseeing the bund view and city view.


This city is full of construction now, getting ready for the World Expo in 2010. And my heart hurts, along with the broken bund road.


Every year when I was back, I would visit several places by the bund, where I can have the best view of this sophisticated city. But I can’t do it this year, due to the blocked view by the massive construction and the show-off of economic development.


I tried to find some other places to take a look at this city: it’s still a beautiful view, the classic music is still flying in the air, but why can’t I smell the same city? Am I missing something?!


Didn’t plan to meet too many old friends this time when I am back. to town… When people take different paths, the distance becomes further.


Well, there are still couples of old friends, whom I’d love to meet because of the past that we used to share…. What?! Why can’t I see the sunshine on their faces? Why do I only read the confusion in their eyes? We used to share a bowl of Wanton soup from the street vendor because we can’t afford; and now we are paying premium prices for nice food/drink/services. But why can’t I hear the pure laughter any more? Have we just lost the ability to laugh, or we’ve lost ourselves in this ever changing city?


Cosmo Martini is getting diluted by the ice in the glass, so is the flavor of my Shanghai.


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