
今天女兒頭一回非聽NPR新聞不可 -- 佛州學校可以打學生!

(2012-03-13 21:02:28) 下一個

我兒子出點聲,女兒馬上就急了: 噓!不要出聲,我聽不到啦!

NPR對佛州學校合法打學生大議論了一翻. 兩小娃就靜靜地聽著,真好笑啊 :P

聽完了,我說:"So, what do you think, ah? You think you'll start behaving now?"

女兒氣憤地說:"What they are doing is horrible!"

"Oh ya?  If the kids hadn't misbehaved, they wouldn't have been paddled.  What do you think?"

"The teachers are bad!  They should behave!" 小造反派剛剛讀完小說"A girl who could fly",裏麵"kids took the control over the institute",估計對老師沒有啥尊重

"The kids misbehaved 1st.  Remember the boy who hit another boy on the school bus?  What if he had been told again and again not to hit.  But yet, he still did."

"The teachers are bad.  Not the students."估計她想不出什麽更好的,就反複嘮叨這句.

俺逗她,就跟她回合幾次,看她能不能講出什麽讓人驚奇的話. 失望哦~~~ 不但沒有,還把她惹急了,赫赫

最後,我說,你要小心哦,你不好好表現,沒準我們就搬家到佛州去,老師沒準就paddle you.


女兒呢,"Who cares?!  I am not afraid!" 吼吼吼,兩娃性格真是不一樣!

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