

(2007-04-15 00:42:01) 下一個

卻不知道這廝又打什麽壞主意,突然在MSN上變得如此卑躬友好。一麵嘲笑我找不到老公,一麵發表下麵言論,真是服了他。。。小心對待。。。謹慎分析,寧可被騙,不可錯過--結婚狂 Sundry

A beautiful, educated Asian wife to have gorgeous intelligent mixed race children who respect and are motivated by their parents who are successful in their own right. Does that sound so bad? So for me its not just about the bedroom.

Because the culture is family orientated, not all about their own, ego, great food and they are also stunningly beautiful   Does that explain it?

Listen,  I come with open heart. I think it is too soon for you to be in a relationship and if we were together I would want to be the only one for you. (每個男人都希望女人專一,那自己呢?天天帶女生回來睡覺,那次的金發才18歲,我幹)

I don't say these things in expectation of you I just want you to know where I am coming from. I expect nothing from you - don't worry. This is not about you having to be with me, you just need to know I am not trying to get you into bed which I think you think.

Yeah? Well I want something I can be happy in when I come home after a hard days work.

Yes, have to. I have work to do. I'd be your study buddy, it would make me study more. Which is a good thing. (竟然同意以後周末和我一起去學習,真的假的,Anthony也是這樣承諾的,結果是躺在沙發上睡覺)

My temper is not quick but if someone wants to upset me then I am a man and will stand my ground to protect my honour. (天,真好意思說,不是你的冷言冷語,我幹嘛這麽急得搬出來。由於沒地方住,電話一個人在澳新論壇上自己認為處得不錯的男人,可不可以去借住一兩天,不僅立刻被拒絕,還被他告訴很多論壇裏的不想幹的人,臭顯我想去和他住一起,惡心不惡心,這樣的男人,真服了他,明明是糾纏自己的,反而成了我在糾纏他,結了婚還要裝single,要吐,背地裏罵他的反而被他當好人)

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