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"Sharpness of a lens" refers to the ability of a camera lens to capture fine details in an image, meaning how crisp and clear the subject appears, with a sharp lens producing distinct edges and textures, while a less sharp lens might result in blurry or soft details; it's essentially a measure of the lens' resolution and is often judged by how well it can render fine lines and patterns across the entire image frame, from the center to the corners. 
For most lenses, sharpness in P-Mpix is typically between 50% and 100% of the sensor pixel count, and differences smaller than 1 P-MPix are usually not noticeable. The best resolutions are usually achieved by prime lenses at apertures between f/2.8 and f/8.
In a zoom lens, sharpness typically varies across the zoom range, with the best sharpness usually found in the middle of the zoom range, while the extreme wide and telephoto ends tend to be slightly softerthis means a zoom lens is often not as sharp at its maximum zoom as it is at a middle focal length, and is generally considered less sharp than a prime lens with a fixed focal length due to its complex internal mechanics. 
For a zoom lens, the aperture at which you find the best sharpness at a specific zoom range is usually not fixed across the entire zoom rangemost zoom lenses have a variable aperture, meaning the maximum aperture changes as you zoom in or out, so you may need to adjust your aperture depending on the focal length you're using. 


我剛剛從aliexpress order了一個,還沒接到:

位酷哥建議在沒有銳度表的情況下可以用不同的光圈拍照片試一下。我用50-500mm變焦鏡頭在500 mm的焦段從f/6.3到f/32拍了12張照片,找到f/9和f/11是最清晰的光圈 .



Camera: Nikon D300s

鏡頭:Sigma 50-500 mm

三腳架:Manfrotto 501HDV

Size: 3216x2136 pixels


Exposure: +5 EV

Mode: M

Focal length: 500 mm

Sharpen: by Corel AfterShot pro 3.0


以下是 12張從原始照片割下來月亮的照片.

10/21/2024 9:45:31 pm 開始第一張,  9:56:21 pm 結束最後一張。 

1. 相片:#688

Shutter Speed: 1/100 s

Aperture: f/6.3

2. 相片:#690

Shutter Speed: 1/100 s

Aperture: f/8


3. 相片:#691

Shutter Speed: 1/100 s

Aperture: f/9

Exposure +0.81 EV

4. 相片:#692

Shutter Speed: 1/100 s

Aperture: f/10

Exposure +0.76 EV

5. 相片:#697

Shutter Speed: 1/50 s

Aperture: f/11

6. 相片:#703

Shutter Speed: 1/30 s

Aperture: f/13

7. 相片:#722

Shutter Speed: 1/20 s

Aperture: f/18

8. 相片:#730

Shutter Speed: 1/8 s

Aperture: f/20

9. 相片:#739

Shutter Speed: 1/8 s

Aperture: f/22


10. 相片:#749

Shutter Speed: 1/8 s

Aperture: f/25

11. 相片:#758

Shutter Speed: 1/3 s

Aperture: f/29

12. 相片:#767

Shutter Speed: 1/5 s

Aperture: f/32



1. #688, f/6.3, 1/100 s

2. #690, f/8, 1/100 s 

3. #691, f/9, 1/100 s, +0.81 EV

4. #692, f/10, 1/100 s, +0.76 EV

5. #697, f/11, 1/50 s

6. #703, f/13, 1/30 s

7. #722, f/18, 1/20 s

8. #730, f/20, 1/8 s

9. #739, f/22, 1/8 s

10. #749, f/25, 1/8 s

11. #758, f/29, 1/3 s

12. #767, f/32, 1/5 s














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