| 健康是一個不老的話題。自美食牌豆漿機問世以來,許許多多使用它的家庭變得更健康了。有了豆漿機,除了發揮它的主要功能“打製豆漿”外,還有一大功能不可忽略:那就是製作豆腐花。豆腐花是一種極為健康的食品。有的人把它歸為“甜點”,那麽它比那些多油多糖的甜點健康多了。
有道是:“北方人喜歡豆腐腦,南方人喜歡豆腐花。”其實豆腐腦和豆腐花有些相似,隻是豆腐花更像蛋花湯,一片一片的,以甜為主,用勺子舀著吃,而豆腐腦有點像雞蛋羹,大多是鹹的,用勺子“片”著吃。掌握了豆腐花的做法,豆腐腦也大同小異。過去要吃豆腐花,通常隻能到餐廳去買,不僅不方便,而且價格也貴,一碗要2、3塊錢。許多人不甘心,想自己動手,可是也遇到不少麻煩。有的人用石膏做凝固添加劑,可是凝固效率低,因為石膏是一種礦產物,不同產品純度不一樣,超市買來的石膏通常隻能做豆腐,做不成豆腐花.。而且石膏多吃會有膽結石之虞,為圖口福,賠上健康不值得,應當盡量少用。另一種用鹵水做添加劑,它也隻能用來做豆腐,做不成豆腐花,因為鹵水是苦的, 豆腐可以將水擠掉,而豆腐花和豆腐腦則不行,因為水在裏麵。
那怎麽辦? 豆腐花難道就“泡湯”了嗎?不,我現在就介紹一種新型的製作豆腐花的添加劑,它就是“美食牌豆腐凝固劑”,其有效成分是葡萄糖酸內酯,是日本人在八十年代發明的,相當風行, 超市上的日本式軟(嫩)豆腐都是由此做成的。它的凝固率高:半小湯匙就可做半加侖的豆腐花或豆腐腦。因為它是從葡萄糖加工而來,所以對人體無任何害處。製做起來也十分方便:在一個大的容器裏,先將半湯匙的凝固劑溶解在2-3湯匙的水中,將熱豆漿加進去,不用攪拌,等10分鍾, 豆腐花就做成了!再簡單不過了。而且,這樣製作的成本也很低,通常半加侖豆漿可以做半加侖豆腐花,平均下來,每碗豆腐花才合兩、三毛錢。
做成的豆花,加熱加糖薑水, 即可享用,甜嫩爽口,滋心潤肺。一家老小,圍坐在一起,一人一碗豆花,一口一個滋潤,那才叫“樂開花”了呢。
Net Weight: 100g. Active ingredient: Gluconolactone.
Quality: purity> 99.7%. Certified for food use.
Direction: Dissolve 0.5 tsp (not TSP!!!) (~2 gram) coagulant in 3 tsp hot water in a big container. Add 0.5 gallon hot soy milk prepared by GourmetTM Automatic Soy Milk Maker. The milk should solidify within 5-10 minutes. Consume the solidified product directly or made it into Tofu using the Tofu Kit that comes with GourmetTM Automatic Soy Milk Maker
3 easy steps to make Tofu Flower:
Step 1: Prepare 0.5 gallon hot fresh soy milk using our Gourmet Soy Milk Maker
Step 2: Dissolve 0.5 tsp (not TBS!!!) (~2 gram) coagulant in 3 tsp hot water in a big container.
Step 3: Add 0.5 gallon hot soy milk into the container. Stir immediately and wait for 5-10 minutes.
- The milk should solidify within 5-10 minutes, forming a smooth, homogenous, semi-solid gel called Tofu Flowers.
- Enjoy the Tofu Flower directly or make the Tofu Flowers into soft tofu.
- Tofu Flower tastes best with ginger and brown sugar. The sugar and ginger should be boiled together in water first, then poured on top of the Tofu Flower. If you add sugar powder to Tofu Flower directly, you would have to stir it, and the nicely formed gel structure will be disrupted.
3 easy steps to make Tofu Flower into Japanese style soft tofu:
Step 1: Transfer Tofu Flower (prepared as described above) into the bottom part of the Tofu Box lined with cheese clothe
Step 2: Press the top part of the Tofu Box against the Tofu Flower to remove water. Wait for 10-15 min to let cool down and solidify into Tofu.
Step 3: Enjoy your home-made tofu.
| | | Pour in Tofu Flower into Tofu Box lined with cheese cloth | Press with the top of Tofu Box to remove water | Enjoy your home-made tofu |