


(2012-05-01 23:30:26) 下一個


今年的複活節為我們提供了一個再次思考這些令人糾結的問題的機會。利用這個機會,我們還可以想想,哪些東西對我們有著重要的意義,而哪些又是真正重要的。去年,在華爾街和倫敦聖保羅大教堂(St Paul's Cathedral)外,示威者發起了針對一些資本主義行為的抗議活動。在示威者看來,他們無法接受這些行為,尤其是銀行的行為。如今,這場運動或許已漸漸平息,但核心問題依然未得到解決。


其實,資本主義本身並沒有錯。資本主義理論最打動人心的地方在於它提倡個體自由。但正如米爾頓•弗裏德曼(Milton Friedman)曾經指出的,雖然我們有選擇的自由,但我們不應隨意剝奪他人的自由。




我們每個人都可能會有“錢是永遠不夠的”感覺,尤其是當我們見識了豐厚的銀行業獎金時。可我們真正需要多少呢?使我們真正感到快樂的又是什麽呢?於是,與人攀比以及經濟學家索爾斯坦•維布倫(Thorstein Veblen)所稱的炫耀性消費就成了勢在必行之事。我們不應在意別人的看法,盡管真的做到並不容易。

那麽,我們應該如何克服資本主義的缺陷呢?有人建議開征“羅賓漢稅”(Robin Hood tax),也就是“托賓稅”(Tobin tax)。但風險在於,這種稅對投資者造成的打擊也許要超過對銀行的打擊。而它將通過何種方式來抑製銀行的高風險行為,也尚不明確。



對銀行家來說,他們要拋棄戈登•蓋科(Gordon Gekko)的思維模式,並放棄拿人錢財而不對之負責的想法,要做到這點很難,但卻十分重要。當然,在理想的世界中,銀行家會提出符合客戶最佳利益和長期財務安全的建議,而不是為銀行家和交易員賺取最高短期傭金的建議。銀行及其股東可以通過推動激勵機製改革來解決這一問題,而不僅僅是坐等政府監管機構引入新規。



本文作者德斯蒙德•圖圖(Desmond Tutu)為前南非開普敦大主教,貝蒂娜•格倫布魯姆(Bettina Gronblom)為“不止為了營利”(Not Just for Profit)的首席執行官

Camels can pass through a needle's eye

For millennia there has been a debate about whether there is a conflict between making a profit and faith. Is it, for instance, moral to charge interest rates or is lending exploitation of the poor? To put it more simply, can you be wealthy and spiritual at the same time or do you have to lead a life of austerity to be spiritual?

The Easter weekend provides an opportunity to reflect again on these wrenching topics, on what is important to us and what really matters. Last year, demonstrators on Wall Street and outside St Paul’s Cathedral in London protested against what was seen as unacceptable capitalist behaviour, especially by the banks. This may have quietened down, but the core issues have not been solved.

While there is something to be said in favour of living simpler lives, there is no conflict between faith and turning a profit. It is fine to make a living; we are meant to enjoy abundant lives. The conflict comes when we separate ethics and economic progress and when we equate the latter with happiness.

To be clear, capitalism per se is not at fault. The most appealing thing about capitalist theory is the freedom for the individual. But as Milton Friedman wrote, while we are free to choose, we should not be free to deprive others of their freedom.

At issue is not the rate of interest or the size of the mansion we inhabit. What matters is that we understand how we should behave to one another: namely, following the Golden Rule, that we should treat others as we would have others treat us. So we have to do better at stemming the abuses of capitalism, whether environmental decline from corporate malpractice or the abuse of workers in supply chains for goods that we all love to own. Shareholder responsibility is not only to make profits. How they are made also matters.

We now know, through various studies, that while gross domestic product has increased in the west in recent decades, happiness has not. We cannot worship money and our self-interest alone – it leaves us with a hunger that can never be satisfied by acquiring more goods.

Does this mean we should not enjoy all the earthly riches and goods? No. Enjoy them. Earn them. It is a misconception that one has to be poor to be spiritual, and that hard work should not be rewarded. What is important is finding the balance between greed and having enough, and defining what a joyful life means to us.

We all have the potential to feel that “more money is never enough”, particularly when we see vast banking bonuses. But how much do we really need, and what really makes us happy? Then there are the imperatives of “keeping up with the Joneses” and what the economist Thorstein Veblen called conspicuous consumption. Hard as it can be, we should not worry about what others think.

So how are we to correct the negative traits of capitalism? A Robin Hood tax, or Tobin tax, has been suggested. Yet there is a risk that such a tax is more likely to hit investors than banks. And it is not yet clear how it would discourage risky behaviour by banks.

We cannot tax ourselves out of this and hope that this will solve the problem because we are not addressing the root cause of the behaviour. We are in self-denial because we are treating the symptoms, not healing the patient.

One important step would be for investors to start to demand a wider range of socially responsible investment products and challenge fund managers to seek better returns. They can demand transparency and be opposed to highly leveraged products that do not actually produce anything useful for the common good.

Harder to effect, but important, is for bankers to move away from the mindset of Gordon Gekko, and the idea of taking someone else’s money and not being responsible for it. In an ideal world, of course, they would offer advice that serves clients’ best interests and long-term financial security, rather than that which earns bankers and traders the highest short-term commissions. Banks and their shareholders can help address this by pushing to reform the incentive structure rather than wait for state regulators to bring in new rules.

Companies can improve corporate social responsibility, so it is no longer just a “nice thing to do” but rather an integral part of daily practice. We can all start to even out inequality through philanthropy.

So we can earn a living through capitalism, not by profiteering but by genuinely servicing others and in the process of producing a profit we can do no harm. Everyone can help to make the world a better and fairer place. Indeed, every human is made for goodness – yes, even bankers.

The writers are the former archbishop of Cape Town and the chief executive of Not Just for Profit

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