
Common idioms for the English Test on the ACT

(2012-09-21 23:13:10) 下一個

Common idioms for the English Test on the ACT

  1. abide: by
  2. accused: me
  3. agreed: to
  4. apologized: for
  5. applied: for
  6. approve: of
  7. argued: with
  8. arrived: at
  9. believe: in
  10. blamed: for
  11. care: about
  12. charge: of
  13. compares: to
  14. complain: about
  15. consists: of
  16. count: on
  17. depart: for
  18. depend: on
  19. differ: from
  20. discriminate: against
  21. escape: from
  22. excuse: for
  23. fired: from
  24. hide: from
  25. hoped: for
  26. insist: upon
  27. object: to
  28. participate: in
  29. pray: for
  30. protect: me
  31. provide: me with OR for
  32. recover: from
  33. rely: on
  34. stared: at
  35. subscribes: to
  36. succeeded: in
  37. suspect: of
  38. wait: for
  39. work: with me
  40. preoccupation: with
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