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Hey xxx! I'm Hayley with Zainab Mohsini 2020. Zainab is a progressive running to represent us in VA-11. We want to protect public health and voting rights during the COVID-19 pandemic. Have you requested a mail-in ballot for the June 23 Democratic Primary yet?
我說。Thanks Harley, no, I haven't requested one yet.
We want to protect everyone's right to vote! The State of Virginia encourages everyone to vote absentee using option 2A. You can request your mail-in ballot here: https://www.elections.virginia.gov/casting-a-ballot/absentee-voting/ I'm supporting Zainab because she has a history of community organizing and will fight for important policies like Medicare for All. What issues are important to you?
雖然我們的一張選票不能改變什麽,亞裔占美國人口的比例也不大, 但如果我們都投票, 也會是一股對社會有影響的力量的。 我們是納稅人, 是應該讓美國社會聽到我們的聲音, 無論我們的聲音是多微弱。。。
我也不時收到要求我做競選團體義工的短信的, 我一般都說自己上班忙, 不能去幫忙來推辭, 如果退休後有時間我想我我可能會做這方麵的義工的。