
Good morning every one, just to answer some Qs

(2008-10-26 08:40:24) 下一個
Sorry my pulling your leg may have gone too far. However, most of what I have been saying about college application are based on my experiences with DD\'s application process. It should be of help to some here.

Just to clarify a couple of things:

1. The need based aid amount we got is real, I did open a 560 SEL before, we did have a big house before, everything else may have some water. For example, I did not say nor actually have a 200K income.

2. About SAT scores. My point is that SAT is not really that important for top schools. Once you got into the 99%, 100 more points does not give you any additional edge. This is my opinion but I don\'t have any data to support that.

3. Again about FA. Yes, you file for FA every year. However, you must understand the school\'s policy for 4 years first. As long as your financial condition does not change dramatically, the FA should not. Other details are:

what does this school do when the COA goes up? Does the free money goes up or they will use loans to fill the gap? How does the school treat the situation when the second child enter a college? Some will tell you that they will primarily use loan to fill the gap, S said they will just cut my EFC by 50% and no loans. The key is that do not just look at FA for the first year, because most of the school will give the best FA to freshmen to get you in. Those of us who have been working should understand this. They employer will do many thing to recruit you. Once you signed up, they start to treat you differently.

In any case, I learnt a lot from our DD\'s process. I am willing and glad to offer my opinion on many things. It is up to you to decide what to do.
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