
同學們, 想吃蒜苔, 就種 hard neck garlic

(2010-10-06 21:47:42) 下一個
總看見有人歎氣種大蒜吃不到蒜苔,我自己今年也沒吃到,其實去年想種的時候,一來已經很晚了,忙活完花園都快11月中了,二來我其實知道個大概要種什麽樣的蒜,但太晚了買不到了,我就想用韓國店買的大蒜take a chance,結果沒take 著,就是沒吃到。原因是什麽呢?  其實很簡單,大蒜(Allium Sativum)分hard neck 和softneck兩大類,hard neck (Allium Sativum Ophioscorodon)的是出蒜苔的,出了蒜薹剪掉才能結大蒜,你買來的大蒜頭中間是一根硬棍兒,那就是了,如圖

http://www.localharvest.org/images/cat/prod_14739_9200.jpg ;softneck (Allium Sativum Sativum)則不出蒜薹就會結大蒜,就是能結辮子的那種。超市裏買的基本都是softneck,因為softneck貯存時間比較長。softneck中間那類似棍的東西實際上是一層一層的,軟的,象圖中這樣。

有人說要買中國大蒜才能結出來,其實不然,美國可以買到很多種hard neck的大蒜,而且很多種不是oringinated from China。有些中國大蒜實際是soft neck, 但可以歸到weakly hard neck, 這可能是有些人為啥能種出來。 下麵這個分類我覺的very helpful,可以幫你找到要買的大蒜,而且,紅皮,紫皮,白皮都各自有上乘貨,很難說哪個優於哪個。 最後,到哪買,網上一google "hard neck garlic" 就都出來了。 Hardneck 分三大組: Rocambole, Purple Stripe and Porcelain. Softneck分兩大組: Silver skin and Artichoke. Supermarket garlic is almost all sliver skin and artichoke from China or California.

1. Rocambole
Baba Franchuk's Dan's Italian German Red Killarney Red Korean Purple Puslinch Spanish Roja Spicy Korean Red

2. Purple Stripe
Chesnok Red Czeck Broadleaf Gaia's Joy Gourmet Red Khabar Metechi Modova Northern Siberian Persian Star Purple Glazer Red Rezan Siberian Vekek

3. Porcelain
Alberta hardy Dan's Russian Fish lake 3 Georgian Crystal Georgian Fire Italian Porcelain Leningrad Magical Magnificent Magnifico Majestic Melody Music Northern Quebec Polish Jenn Romanian Red Rosewood Susan Delafield Ukrainian Mavniv Wild Buff Yugoslavian Porcelain Zemo

4. Asiatic --weakly bolting (A shorter garlic plant that is about 3 ft tall when the scape is mature. Originally thought to be closely related to artichoke varieties, but further genetic analysis suggests it is a hardneck type. A flower stalk almost always forms under Minnesota conditions. ) ‘Asian Rose’ - A strong garlic, Harvests VERY early in season - stores about 5-6 months. ‘Asian Tempest’ - A strong garlic. Harvests VERY early in season - stores about 5-6 months. ‘Japanese’ – Early harvest, 4-8 cloves/bulb, stores 5 months, Hot ‘Korean Red’ - rich yet mellow. Harvests VERY early in season - stores about 5-6 months. ‘Pyong Vang’, Mid-harvest, 7-10 cloves/bulb, stores 6 months, hottest ‘Russian Redstreak’, A rare early season mild garlic; delightfully mild and full flavored with only a little heat, productive, stores very well, presents a nice appearance with an excellent raw flavor. ‘Gregory's China Rose’, Harvests early in season - stores around 6 months. - Excellent for growing in Warm Winter Areas. Rich earthy flavor.
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