
The stocks I went all in in recent years: FMD, MBI, ATPG

(2010-07-15 15:20:16) 下一個
FMD: jury is still out, I averaged down on this one during financial crisis because I have a bias that education is an important, I went all in when I heard that the founder has returned to the company and TA chart look very promising. I sold some when it was dropping from peak during May correction, but still hold a big position. The student loan industry and asset backed security market have not completely recovered, I believe it is not time to claim complete victory until that happens.

MBI: This is the one I played most throughout financial crisis, insiders across the board spent real money on its stocks throughout the crisis, especially the ceo. It looks easy when you looked back: I was just following insiders. It should be, but only I know the up and downs I went through. I was playing abk and mbi at the beginning, but I later quit abk after I noticed its insiders stopped purchasing shares and book value dropped below 0. I sold almost all of my shares on the way down during May correction, made some money.

ATPG: It is the one whose story is still unfolding. It has two themes on it: 1. BP oil spill crisis, 2. huge debt it carried for the oil gas project development. Again, insiders owns substantial shares, and insiders bought shares during oil spill crisis, I am really grateful for that. It has finished refinancing the day before BP oil spill, what a luck! Now it seems BP oil spill crisis has past its peak, I am waiting for the final catalyst: completion of Mississippi Canyon (MC) 941 #3 well, this is the one that will not be impacted by suspension of deep sea drilling. There may be Titan monetization for reducing debt. I am not sure when to start to taking profit on this one, I am fully aware of the danger of putting all eggs in one basket, but to make meaningful return for a poor people like me, I have to take extra risk, I can only try to limit risk by doing more home work on my investments. I already sold some when atpg was above 11 weeks ago. I bought them back in recent days, when to sell again is really a big question. Now that uncertainty is further reduced and more short interest was built up, maybe I will start to take profit above 13? I really do not know. God bless me!
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