show show my stable line of investments from crisis
(2009-12-31 10:07:27)
epd, 16.5 -> 31 today\'s yield 7% (a pipeline company)
line, 13.8 -> 27 today\'s yield 9% (a gas and oil company)
apl, 5.3 -> 9.8 (pipeline)
bbep 8.5 -> 10.9 (gas and oil)
I do not invest much on these positions, since I like risky assets during uncertain times when risk is priced incredibly high. In a normal time, people are happy and complacence, tend to ignore risk. It is opposite during in a financial panic. Quality company with just a little risk were trashed. I wish I have a lot of money at the time of panic, then I can just stick to these quality company, enjoy incredible yield at that time like 15-20%, with plenty of upside. But to accumulate my first bucket of gold, I have to dive into riskier, muddier water where you can get double, triple or quadruple your money in a short time.