
Outlook shortcut keys

(2008-09-22 12:11:46) 下一個
Alt + SSends the current mail
Ctrl + EnterSends the current mail
Ctrl + KResolves the email addresses from the address book
Alt + KResolves the email addresses from the address book
F7Starts spell check
Ctrl + DDeletes the current mail
Shift + DeletePermanently deletes the current mail
Ctrl + ZUndoes the last change
Ctrl + YRedoes the last change
F4Brings up the Find dialog box
Shift + F4Finds the next occurence of the search string
Ctrl + RBrings up the reply window for the current mail
Ctrl + Shift + RBrings up the 'reply all' window for the current mail
Ctrl + PPrints the current mail
F5Sends and receives mails
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