
Internet Explorer shortcut keys

(2008-09-22 12:10:36) 下一個
Ctrl + FBrings up the Find dialog box
F5Refreshes the page
Ctrl + NOpens a new browser window
Alt + HomeTakes you to your homepage
EscapeStops loading the current page
Ctrl + ASelects the entire page
F11Toggles between full-screen mode and normal mode
BackspaceTakes you to the previously loded page
Alt + Right arrowForwards you by one page in the available page stack
Alt + Left arrowTakes you to the previous page in the available page stack
Ctrl + EnterIn the address bar, avoid typing http, ://www  and .com by just typing the domain name and pressing Ctrl + Enter
EnterNot sure if the domain name ends with .com or .net? Type the domain name & press enter. IE will search for the domain
F4In IE 5.0, F4 drops down the address bar combo box
Ctrl + PPrints the current page
Crtl + OBrings up the 'file open' dialog box
Ctrl + HBrings up the History window
Crtl + BBrings up the 'Organize Favorites' dialog box
Ctrl + RReloads/refreshes the current page
Shift + Left clickOpens the clicked link in new window
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