
Love Will Prevail (愛將無法阻擋)

(2008-09-08 18:50:52) 下一個

Love Will Prevail (愛將無法阻擋)

- 5.23 為中國四川大地震燭光之夜所作

My dearfriends,


Tonight, we arehere to commemorate the victims of last week’s earthquake in China and to show our deepsorrow for the suffering of so many people who have lost their loved ones. Wewant to pray for the recovery of the injured and those who risked their ownlives to save others.


The magnitude 8earthquake has caused a total death of more than 51,000 people and it isexpected that the final number will climb to over 80,000. More than 5 million people are homeless and300,000 injured.



For the firsttime in five thousand years, a nation with 1.3 billion people observed an official period of silence on Monday not foremperors or leaders. Ordinary Chinese people stopped shopping,producing, eating, talking and driving. People stood up inside buses andtrains. Office workers stood on the sidewalks, students at their desks and onplaygrounds. Police officers held their caps in their arms as they stood atattention. Many wept openly.  Peoplestood still to grieve collectively for others like themselves, their headsbowed, because deep in their hearts, everyone felt that they had lost parents, brothers, sisters, sons anddaughters.

在五千年的曆史上, 這個13億人的國度第一次進行國殤,不是為了領袖也不是為了帝王. 老百姓停止了購物, 放下了生產, 暫停了飲食,交談,駕駛和所有聲響. 人們站立在火車裏汽車上, 辦公室人員佇立在桌旁,學生們靜穆在課堂和操場, 警察摘帽肅立手捂胸膛. 許許多多的人眼淚盈眶. 所有的人把頭垂下, 滿臉悲傷就如他們親人遇難一樣, 因為他們的心中猶如失去了子女, 父母, 姐妹, 胞弟和兄長.

On May 11, 2008- Mother’s Day, there were so many flowers, hugs, smiles, laughter and kissesamongst mothers and their kids.  Therewere so many mothers-to-be dreaming about the next May 11th so theycould enjoy the happiest day of the year. However, on May 12th,exactly one day later, their dreams forevervanished.  The horror caused by theearthquake is beyond what words can describe. Again and again, rescuers have uncovered heart-breaking scenes.  I cannot forget the picture of so many little students buried in the debris withtheir hands still holding their pencils. To their very last moment, the kidskept their promises of studying hard to make their parents proud. Again andagain rescuers have discovered the most touching scenes that go beyond all thepain. It goes right to the ultimate of howpeople sacrifice their own lives to save others. I cannot forget the picturethat a 20 year-old school teacher ran back and forth saving 13 of her studentsbut was crushed by a fallingbuilding. Her body was separated in two but her hands were still holding two ofher students. I cannot forget the picture of amother using her body to hold back concrete soshe could protect the baby in her arms. The same mother had an unsent textmessage on her cell phone. The text message said, “My baby, if you can surviveplease remember how much your mom loves you.”

五月十一日 母親節, 那裏有多少鮮花和擁抱, 有多少親吻和歡笑, 有多少幸福在臉上蕩漾。 那裏有多少即將成為母親的人, 翹盼著下一個五月, 一個屬於她們的歡樂時光。然而, 五月十二日, 僅僅二十四小時後, 天搖地動擊碎了所有的夢想. 地震帶來的慘劇, 所有的文字無法描述, 所有的數字無法估量. 一次又一次, 救援人員看到心碎淚滴的景象. 我無法忘卻, 在那殘簷破壁的瓦堆裏伸出的小手已經冰涼, 他們卻還握著一隻隻鉛筆, 仿佛是在讓父母自豪, 就是生命的最後都沒有忘記“好好學習,天天向上”。 一次又一次, 救援人員發現心靈震撼的景象, 它讓活著的人超越所有的痛苦, 展現著舍己救人的人性光芒. 我無法忘卻, 一個二十歲的女教師, 為了解救十三位學生,穿梭於搖搖欲墜的樓房。 身體最後被倒塌的房屋截成兩段,雙手卻還把兩位同學摟在胸膛。我也無法忘卻,一位母親的手機中有一段未發出的短信,它寫道:“我的孩子,如果你能活著,請一定記住媽媽是如何愛你”。 這位母親, 為了保護身下的孩子,用背頂住巨大的房梁。 

The motherdied, but her love saved the baby.  Thesame kind of love from soldiers, villagers, workers, ordinary people andfriends from all over the world has given courage and spirit to so many peopleto go on another day and for many days after. We are also seeing this kind of love right here in this community. Weare seeing little school children donating one dollar, two dollars, ten dollarsand twenty dollars. We have seen people put one hundred, two hundred, five thousand, and ten thousanddollar checks in our box.

這位母親死了,她的愛卻給了孩子生的希望。 我們看到同樣的愛,來自士兵,村民,工人,普通人和全世界的不同的地方。 他們的愛給了多少人勇氣,讓他們能夠渡過今天,迎接明天的太陽。我們也看到同樣的愛,就在我們的社區。 也許來自學校,也許來自教堂。孩子們把一元,兩元, 十元和二十元遞給我們;人們把一百元,兩百元,五千元,一萬元的支票放進捐款箱。

Tonight, we are standing here to show how we will bond together to turnon light of love.  We are standing here to show our respectfor those who have shown us what dignity and love mean at the very last momentof their lives.  We are standing here toshow the world, regardless of where we were born, where we grew up; that we are all now the people from Sichuanprovince. We are standing here to show how proud we are of China and the Chinese people. We are here to show that there is nothing that will stand in the way of lovebecause love is in our hearts and love will always prevail.

今晚我們在這裏手攙著手把愛之燈點亮,在這裏表達對那些用生命告訴我們尊嚴和大愛的敬仰. 在這裏告訴世界,不管我們何處出生何處成長,今晚我們都是四川人,我們來自同一地方。 在這裏我們要為中國和中國人挺起驕傲的脊梁; 我們要大聲呐喊,因為愛在我們心中,愛將無往不勝, 愛將無法阻擋!

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