Common Sense


Barney Frank和Fannie Mae 前男友共同經營同性戀男妓院 (ZT)

(2008-10-06 23:52:08) 下一個
As if every other word that drools Elmer Fudd style out of his filthy mouth wasn’t offensive enough, former homosexual pimp turned Democratic Congressman and chairman of the House Banking Committee Barney Frank outdid himself earlier today for appalling racial accusations:

Meanwhile, no one in the media or Congress, nor apparently in the Justice Department either, bothers to mention that Frank is the single biggest architect of the Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac debacle, which specifically targeted minorities in the biggest scam of this generation. As such, it is Frank who knowingly victimized tens of thousands of minorities, facilitating their entrapment into loans and homes that they could not afford. Remember Republican Senator “Wide Stance” Craig? Note what happens to a Republican official who is discovered to be homosexual. Now look at the little love fest / mortgage scandal Barney Frank was involved in and gape in astonishment at the hypocrisy of the country’s liberal leaders and media:

Where is the ACLU demanding this piece of human excrement’s sick little head on a platter? Where are the criminal charges for fraud, conspiracy, and federal hate crime violations? Where is the public outrage?

Answer: None of those things exist. Not for a liberal politician from a heavily gerrymandered, election-proof district in the state of Ted Kennedy and John Kerry.

Even if the people of his district were getting a bit irritated with him, the powers that control that district have made sure that there is both a Republican and a strong Libertarian running in the upcoming general election so that the opposition vote is split:

So once again, corruption and evil prevail over all challengers, no matter how incomprehensible the scale of the evil.

Barney Frank: Truly a deserving candidate for A**hole of the Year
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