民主黨要求20% 的Bail out 獲利歸 ACORN !!!
(2008-09-29 09:04:46)
If you haven't heard about ACORN. It is the radical left organization that Barack Obama used to rocket himself to the pinnacle of American politics as "Community Organizer". This organization has been engaged in systematic financial and election fraud for over a decade, registering ineligible voters by the tens of thousands and issuing multiple voter registrations to associates all over the country to stack the returns in favor of Democratic candidates and to try to defraud legal voters out of their right to select their own leaders. ACORN has been organizing protests across the country while maneuvering for their next handout.
Yet you won't even hear anything about ACORN on main stream media, but only from bloggers and conservative radio talk shows. The deal is covered under the name of "Housing Trust Fund". What people don't know about Houseing Trust Fund is that it's a boondoggle that Democrats in Congress has used to fund political-action groups like ACORN and the National Council of La Raza, in the name of "community reconstruction" and such.
In a word, we taxpayers are taking the risk of handing our money to a corrupted government and congress to bail out their friends in Wall Streets, but the profit goes to BLACKS and LATINOS because they make most of the noises so they represent the "Main Street". Right, that's what you get for your money... more black Chicago gangsters running your life!
Call me a racist but I don't dare to say ACORN should be wiped out of street instead of getting more government handout and more power. As a taxpayer, write/call your congress representives to STOP THE BAIL OUT!