
撲空 vs 鑽空子

(2012-01-20 08:51:47) 下一個
Rack one's brain2012-02-09 10:07:35
could be ...as 挖空 ,missed in E-C dictionaries.
Glad I solved new lines.

He was racked by doubts. 疑慮折磨著他。

盡力使用; 過度使用

Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他絞盡腦汁卻連一個例子都想不出來。

Rack one's brain2012-02-09 10:07:35
could be ...as 挖空 ,missed in E-C dictionaries.
Glad I solved new lines.

He was racked by doubts. 疑慮折磨著他。

盡力使用; 過度使用

Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他絞盡腦汁卻連一個例子都想不出來。

Rack one's brain2012-02-09 10:07:35
could be ...as 挖空 ,missed in E-C dictionaries.
Glad I solved new lines.

He was racked by doubts. 疑慮折磨著他。

盡力使用; 過度使用

Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他絞盡腦汁卻連一個例子都想不出來。

Rack one's brain2012-02-09 10:07:35
could be ...as 挖空 ,missed in E-C dictionaries.
Glad I solved new lines.

He was racked by doubts. 疑慮折磨著他。

盡力使用; 過度使用

Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他絞盡腦汁卻連一個例子都想不出來。

Rack one's brain2012-02-09 10:07:35
could be ...as 挖空 ,missed in E-C dictionaries.
Glad I solved new lines.

He was racked by doubts. 疑慮折磨著他。

盡力使用; 過度使用

Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他絞盡腦汁卻連一個例子都想不出來。

Rack one's brain could be ...as 挖空,missed in E-C dictionaries.  Glad I solved new lines.

He was racked by doubts. 疑慮折磨著他。盡力使用; 過度使用  Racking his brains, he couldn't think of a single example. 他絞盡腦汁卻連一個例子都想不出來。

世界已千年,洞畫方首日,倘窺貪官屋,洞察其奸時. A girl created a tree hole painting

These two phrases can be synopsis of failure and success.  Today I almost pukong--come for nothing, by my alertness from my new life movement:),I avoided it. Otherwise, I might be in car and car implies risky by numerology. So what is my New Life Movement? I copied from Generalissimo 常凱申 ha-ha!!!   寧匍匐行防撲空
鑽 鑚〖drill;bore〗櫨梨曰鑽之。——《爾雅》。按,防有蟲於孔,鑽視之也。鑽龜陳卦。——《荀子·王製》鑽燧取火。——《論語》 仰之彌高,鑽之彌堅。——《論語》 投機鑽營〖securepersonalgain〗 鑽故紙堆zuāngùzhǐduī bendoveroldbooks;buryoneselfinoutdatedwrittings〗比喻埋頭於陳舊的圖書資


進攻〖attack〗拂著;拂拭〖whiskorwipeoff〗傾倒。通“仆”〖fall〗 直衝〖rushat〗。賭博〖gamble〗。如:撲賣(盡全力〖devote〗。又如:撲麵 某些拍、拭的用具〖puff〗。如:粉撲;逑撲棰杖〖rod〗古代體罰用具〖whip;teacher’srulerforbeatingpupils〗
執敲撲而鞭笞天下,威振四海。——漢·賈誼《過秦論》〖godirectlyto〗∶直向目的地走去〖devoteoneselfwhole-heartedly〗∶把全部心力用到〖工作、事業等上麵〗〖assailthenostrils〗氣味衝鼻而來  撲打〖beat〗pat〗∶接連地打〖swat〗∶撲擊除滅  撲地〖fallonthegroundwithfacetowarddown〗臉朝下倒在地 撲跌〖fallforward〗向前跌倒撲粉  powder〗∶ 撲罰〖whip〗笞   撲擊〖pounceon〗∶撲救〖putoutafiretosavelifeandproperty〗∶撲空〖failtogetorachievewhatonewants〗  撲麵  〖blowonone’sface〗撲滅〖extinguish〗∶〖wipeout;exterminate〗∶撲閃〖wink〗眨動撲騰  pūteng   〖throb〗∶

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