

(2011-12-31 05:52:52) 下一個
求根根在食 從來飯是鋼 求狠狠在此 恨鐵不如鋼 3+1 English words in focus

食宿很馬虎 歲月易留痕 三餐與人競 藥膳務準精 2 English words in focus

求良外乎糧 銀比木耳強 祈願踉蹌者 矯健賽虎狼

聞浪遊長廊 欣樂隨郎朗 琅玡望蓬萊 長生似吳剛

心克老(think aloud) will be my 阿斯匹靈 a speak ling       Even after that Beijing #2 posted many reading aloud, I rarely practiced.   Touched by this new consept "thinking aloud", I take it as a valued treasure for changing my condition.   Some other specialists warned us to prohibit this action. Now I want to say: Do whatever you think is good for you, ignore some of those rules.  Keeping humming is one of Sargent's trick for painting well his master portrait painying.

慈禧縱然不落井,珍妃豈有出頭日  Even if the Empress did not throw her into a well, how could Zhenfei hold her head up?

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