Author's Comments: way too overedited to be a photo. had fun editing it though
《An Omen This Morning》
《Light Send》
Author's Comments: flour, again. it was a really sunny day today. 《A Subtler Reality》
Author's Comments: no editing besides putting all the pictures together. taped over the lens. i tried to put it in the order that most clearly told a story.
《Music》 Author's Comments: "life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up." - anonymous
《A new home》
Author's Comments: another one of those piano shots i'd promised to stop taking. but i like the door in the background, soo...=].
Author's Comments: mature content? he·mo·phil·i·a (hē'mə-fĭl'ē-ə, -fēl'yə) n. any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot normally because of a deficiency or abnormality of one of the clotting factors. hemophilia, a recessive trait associated with the x-chromosome, is manifested almost exclusively in males.
《A Memory》
Author's Comments: one of the windows of the dorm i stayed in. gosh i love that place .
《Witch's Fruit》
Author's Comments: eh. not too happy with this one. darkened and blurred the background, added border and text, and increased highlights. inspired by adagio in d minor by john murphy (yes i'm obsessed).
Author's Comments:
"life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up." - anonymous
因為喜歡藝術的孩子都比較敏感,又值青少年期,作為一個父親,我當然格外關心自己的女兒。我曾問過她有沒有過自殘的念頭,她告訴我她從來沒有這樣的念頭,還說她非常熱愛生命,很怕死。 她的另一麵率真可愛,極具童心,占90%。 大部分時候她都很容易滿足與快樂,有時候像個小孩子一樣簡單,我常調侃她,叫她“戇大”。 除了特殊情況,每星期六我都會帶兩個女兒去看電影,雷打不動許多年了,她們也很喜歡這樣的安排。有一次沒什麽好看的電影,她們就去租了幾部回來看,說星期六晚上是family time,要大家一起看,不能破壞規矩。每年我都會安排幾次旅遊帶她們出去玩。 前一陣她們去了佛羅裏達的迪斯尼樂園旅遊,老大說旅遊中最快樂的時候是回到賓館裏,一家人一起看電視吃零食聊天,回家後她心中常會浮起這些溫馨的記憶。 我很高興她這個年紀就有這樣的感受,懂得從平凡的日子裏發現不平凡的快樂。 今年感恩節準備帶她們再次到加州去玩,寒假裏還準備帶她們去夏威夷玩。明年夏天老大去法國參加為期一個月的交換學生program,老二也會參加學校舉辦的東部一周遊,然後全家一起去澳大利亞探親旅遊。 總之,我的兩個女兒在學校裏都是gifted program中的全優生,姐妹倆很要好,是soulmate,平時有說不完的話,而且在生活學習上都非常獨立,一點都不用我操心,我對她倆除了心理素質的教育與培養之外,其它基本上都持放養態度。這兩個孩子總體上來說身心都比較健康,讓我充分體會到做父親的幸福與快樂。 再次感謝大家的關心與鼓勵,謝謝你們!
女兒是爸爸心頭肉,為你驕傲 罷了