雪化了, 化為水融進了土壤,我仿佛看到漫山遍野長出了紫色的小花,帶著淡淡的花香,花瓣上晶瑩透剔,如融化了的雪水又似含笑的淚珠。。。
因為雪的奉獻, 從此,年年歲歲,家門口都能看到丁香樹,看到丁香花, 聞著花香。。。
你說你最愛丁香花, 因為你的名字就是它, 多麽憂鬱的花, 多愁善感的人啊, 當花兒枯萎的時候, 當畫麵定格的時候, 多麽嬌嫩的花, 卻躲不過風吹雨打, 飄啊搖啊的一生, 多少美麗編織的夢啊, 就這樣匆匆你走啦, 留給我一生牽掛, 那墳前開滿鮮花是你多麽渴望的美啊, 你看那漫山遍野, 你還覺得孤單嗎? 你聽那有人在唱那首你最愛的歌謠啊, 塵世間多少繁蕪, 從此不必再牽掛. 院子裏栽滿丁香花, 開滿紫色美麗的鮮花, 我在這裏陪著她, 一生一世保護她.
(By Lunamia) |
Thank you for your reply. It's very nice to learn that Mr.
Cao Ying and his wife are doing well. Hope Mr.Cao Ying and
his wife have a healthy and long life.
As I respect Mr.Cao Ying very mcuh and happened to learn
that you know Mr.Cao Ying very well, so I mentioned that I visited him once and happened to meet him again, when Mr.Cao Ying came to Beijing for a conference and visited Mr.Jiang Cun Fang's wife, Zhang An Ying and Mr.Jiang Cun Fang's family. I know that the friendship between Mr. Cao
Ying and Jiang Cun Fang lasts more than 50 years. Mr.Jiang
Cun Fang is the father of Chinese Encyclopedia and he was
a very nice and respectable person, he cared and helped
everyone as much as he can and I saw how Mr.Jiang Cun Fang
cared and helped all other people, while he was not in
good health himself(he worked so hard and damaged his eyes
so much and could not see very well, had to have an
operation on the eye and unfotunately found cancer later
in 1987 and so soon passed away on December 1987.
. Mr. Jiang Cun Fang had a big family, but on that cold
and sad day of January 1988 in Beijing, about 3000 people--
a lot of famous people and also a lot of ordinary people, young or old attended his funeral.
Me and my hasband live in Missouri. like to be young, so
call myself Harbin Girl(was born in Harbin). So feel more sad for Mr.Daxue. Hope Xuesao and her son will pass this
difficult period with more care and love from family and friends.
Best wishes and take care.
回複哈爾濱姑娘:我剛從中國探親回來,才看到你的留言,遲複為歉。 我和草嬰夫婦有二十多年的交情,每年回國都會去探望他們。 這次回國我曾多次拜訪草嬰夫婦,不但在他們家吃了大閘蟹和鰣魚,也請他們兩夫婦與外孫一起去飯店吃了飯。 八十一歲的草嬰太太身體還不錯,不過八十六歲的草嬰行走已不太方便,但在總體上還算過得去。 薑椿芳是草嬰走向革命的領路人,常聽草嬰說起他。 從你的網名上看,你應該生活在哈爾濱吧?大雪也是哈爾濱人,所以看到你的網名感到很親切。 很高興認識你。
From Lunamia and her lilac I learned that Mr.Daxue passed away and he came from Harbin(Lilac is city flower of Harbin) and now read most of Mr.Daxue's articles and poems
and yours as well. Mr.Daxue and you are a good-natured men at heart and very inlelligent.
It's a little surprise that you know Mr.Cao Ying--I met him twice--once at his house in Shanghai(Summer 1987, one of Mr.Cao Ying's friend Mr.Geng Yong, real name is Zheng Bing Zhong, took me to visit Mr.Cao Ying. It's very sad that Mr.Geng Yong passed away this year at the age of 86)and the second time at Mr.Jiang Cun Fang's house(Spring, 1994, while Mr.Cao Ying came and visited Mr.Jiang Cun Fang's wife and I visited her at the same time and met Mr.Cao Ying again).
Best regards and have a nice trip.
凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裏來,我就使你們得安息。 ( 馬太 11:28-30)
有時候,我們在相逢的站台告別,目送著那人的背影在人流中時隱時現,最終淹沒在視線之外。 那樣的時候,我想,我們心裏更多的不是傷心,而是無法填補的空白。
曾經滄海終是難以為水,除卻巫山依然不見白雲。 天涯地角雖有窮時,綿綿相思卻無盡處。