
記錄和分享我的所聽, 所見,所感,所想。

My scarves: from 'cabbage' to ...'cabbage' (1)

(2013-04-15 21:49:53) 下一個

The camera purchase was not planned. It was highly recommended by a dear friend who is also a semi pro photographer. Well, I admit that I was also curious about the final discount, soooo,  I went through all the stages and of course, in the end, I could not resist clicking "confirm order" . Yes, it is a compulsive buy, but with deep trust in my friend's judgment. The camera is a Samsung NX20 with two lenses and some odds and ends accessories I'm yet to figure out how to use. Till this day since about a month ago, I have been using this camera primarily as a point-and-shoot pocket digital device, like the i this and i that. There is a long way to go before I even get remotely considered as amateur. One more thing, I left the camera bag at a restaurant in Santa Barbara and only to realize when I returned home many hours later. No worries, the end is good because we drove back to retrieve it the following day. One miracle of the incident: no one in the family blamed me for that, though the kids were a bit grouchy having to get in the car after the road trip.

I did plan to do something meaningful with this new camera --with a full intension that by my retirement a couple of decades later, I could have a decently developed hobby to occupy my mind and my time, in addition to the other half-minded plans I have.

Rumor has it that it is now easier to post pictures on the blog at WXC. For a tech lazy and busy person, that means quite a bit. I have been enthusiastically thinking about the home photography projects down the road, particularly when I could not fall quickly asleep at night. Often times I was tempted to get up and start shooting around the house. With such a violent and unexpected world out there, please do not misunderstand, I meant, shooting with a camera.

Being a scarf freak, I will of course start with my scarves! But no one has ever prepared me for the challenges of picturing still and hard-to-arrange scarves, the background, the lighting, the angles, the wrinkles, the many other unexpected….

I know I have other more pressing projects awaiting my attention but I just went on and carried through the whole scarf-picture-taking process. What I discovered, to my own amazement, is that I have so many of them! There were safely and quietly folded away in one of the big drawers for so long while I kept on bringing more home whenever one stroke fancy to my eyes. I thank my friends for gifting me with some of the lovely ones while I also purchased some with certain friends in mind. What attracts me more is not the brand but the materials, the patterns and the reasonable price, too. Certainly how they look around my necks or rest on my shoulders or over my hair or grace my purses and bags played an equally important role, too.

Every scarf has a story behind it. Hope my daughter will one day find this growing collection interesting and fascinating, to a degree, and get to know her favorite mom more. (Just realized that I'm yet to learn how to add text to those pictures. Well, I have to forgive myself for this first attempt. :) 


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