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當聽到這首散發著淡淡憂傷絲絲甜蜜的愛情歌曲, 如果不說,我都不會想到這可是400年前流傳的歌曲,由此我不得不感歎人不論處在時空的哪個方位,感情深處都有相同之處; 從此我也就喜歡上英國音樂家John Dowland的歌曲。
Sting & Edin Karamazov (Lute) - John Dowland - Come Again
The Tenth International Guitar Festival Belgrade, Serbia February 7- 14, 2009
Come Again, sweet love doth now invite. is a song for soloist and lute or for small choir (typically SATB) by John Dowland. The song is in typical bitter-sweet Dowland style。 It was published in his "First Booke of Songes or Ayres" (1597).
Come again
Come again! sweet love doth now invite
Thy graces that refrain
To do me due delight,
To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss, to die,
With thee again in sweetest sympathy.
Come again! that I may cease to mourn
Through thy unkind disdain;
For now left and forlorn
I sit, I sigh, I weep, I faint, I die
In deadly pain and endless misery.
All the day the sun that lends me shine
By frowns doth cause me pine
And feeds me with delay;
Her smiles, my springs that makes my joy to grow,
Her frowns the winter of my woe.
All the night my sleeps are full of dreams,
My eyes are full of streams.
My heart takes no delight
To see the fruits and joys that some do find
And mark the stormes are me assign'd.
But alas, my faith is ever true,
Yet will she never rue
Nor yield me any grace;
Her Eyes of fire, her heart of flint is made,
Whom tears nor truth may once invade.
Gentle Love, draw forth thy wounding dart,
Thou canst not pierce her heart;
For I, that do approve
By sighs and tears more hot than are thy shafts
Do tempt while she for triumphs laughs.