
補檔高清收藏版:美國紀錄Over America穿越美國mkv720p英語中字(MGU補檔)

(2008-11-13 21:58:36) 下一個

【片名】Over America
md5: bacd4cdb8953d23bd96d100964294b1b
《穿越美國》將是一趟非凡的視覺之旅,帶你去領略美國最雄奇壯麗的風光。 本片采用高清晰攝像,捕獲從拍打海岸的巨浪到雄偉的山脈的每一個細節,展現自然界最令人瞠目的景觀。這部精彩的節目帶您飛越這個國家最美麗的地方。《穿越美國》無疑將成為你音像收藏中的寶貴財富。

From the rugged Northwest Mountains to the spectacular capital, tour America from coast-to-coast in all her majesty.
From PBS affiliate KCTS comes a collection of the most successful regional videos ever produced. This Emmy Award-winning series showcases videos shot in high-definition by the world\'s most experienced aerial production team. Tour the grandeur of Washington, D.C., behold the beauty and diversity of San Francisco and experience the vast metropolis of New York City.
Over America
View the scenic magnificence of our nation from wave-swept coasts, majestic mountains and the forested Northwest.
Washington D.C. Our Nation\'s Capital
This fascinating portrait of the US capital captures the sense of grandeur, history and vitality that gives D.C. its character – with perspectives from the air and ground.
Globe Trekker: San Francisco
Widely regarded as one of the most attractive cities in the country, San Francisco has something to offer everyone. Follow Justine Shapiro through Chinatown, Mission, The Castro, Haight Ashbury and North Beach as she meets authentic hippies, samples vegan food, visits Alcatraz and takes a day trip to see the giant redwoods.
Globe Trekker: New York
Journey through the 5 boroughs of the self proclaimed capital of the world – Staten Island, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queensland and Manhattan. Visit Ground Zero, ride the Staten Island Ferry to the Statue of Liberty, take in the views from the top of the Empire State Building, go on a serious shopping spree along 5th Avenue and soak away the cares of the city on Coney Island Beach.



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