多引導, 多交流, 多鼓勵
(2008-06-07 21:54:40)
於 04-06-22 21:12:33
孩子的許多個性是天生的. 在尊重, 理解的基礎上加以引導, 多交流, 多鼓勵, 給予空間是我們的教育方法.
我兒子從小就敏感. When he was a baby 聽到大一點兒的聲音就緊張. 6個月大送他去 daycare 第一周每天從早哭到晚. 在他隻會坐和爬的時候有一次把櫥房 cabinet 的門把手給玩掉了, 他憋紅了小臉拚命把門把手往回放. 在 daycare 和一開始去school 時很難讓他對老師和小朋友說 "Good Morning" and "Good Bye". LG is good at bring himself down to my son's level, understand him and find ways to help him. Instead of blaming him "沒禮貌", we tried to understand the reason why he did not want to do it, ask him, It is not that he does not know how, but he was nervous. My husband required my son to practice greeting 10 times laudly at home. When my son did the third time he said "I do not need any more practice. I can do it" Since then he has been happily greeting to people without any problem. 對我們不喜歡的行為和事情我們盡量多和他講道理. 問他是不是願意和這樣行為的小朋友玩或這樣被對待.