(2008-07-08 17:54:54)
美國未滿21歲(各州規定不同的) 大學生愛喝酒是司空見慣的。問題是,買酒要出示駕照之類的身份證。於是,各種借口應運而生. 為此,有家店特意貼了如下以杜絕各種常見的借口,要找借口者開口前先對照一下,要不就免開尊口:
Can We See Your ID:
1. I forgot it
2. My dog Ate it
3. My friend has it
4. I'll show it to you next time
5. Please just this once
6. It's for our class project
7. It's not for me, it is for....Mom, Dad, Uncle.4thcusz(not sure what this is)
8. Don't I look old enough
9. the other guy sold it to me
10. I bought some here before
11. I don't need it anywhere else
12. They printed mybirth date wrong
13. I'm in the...army,navy, FBI,CIA,NSC
14. The cops took it
15. I have a friend's ID
16. I have a note from home.
17. I only have a week to live