2013 (1)
最近公司培訓,請了一個年紀不小的白人老頭給大家講課,為顯示他見多識廣,於是向大家提問:“如果你到過全美各大城市,就會知道每個城市的人都有自己最害怕的事情。比如people in Los Angeles are afraid of ···traffic; people in Las Vegas are afraid of summer heat; people in Tucson, Arizona are afraid of scorpions. Do you know what people are afraid of in Washington DC?”眾人啞然。老頭兒說:“Parking!”我一聽馬上接到:“No,I don’t think so.”老頭兒驚愕道“What do you think people are afraid of then in DC?”我立即答道:“Senators!”另外一位同事馬上接到:“No,I don’t think so!”“Then what?”“Being an intern!”