


(2011-10-22 11:13:00) 下一個


據統計世界上四分之三的人口, 多達 5 billion 的人使用手機。人們離不開手機,它也成了人類最親密接觸的朋友。


有研究表明,長時間的把手機放在耳邊煲電話粥的人有引發腦瘤的可能性。國際癌症協會也把這電磁波和咖啡,汽車廢氣一起列入了有致癌可能性的行列(International Agency for Research on Cancer to classify electromagnetic energy from cell phones as "possibly carcinogenic," adding it to a list that includes things such as coffee and gasoline engine exhaust.)。記得舊金山市議會還有過讓每個手機廠家在手機上標出電輻射量的提案。。。


最近,丹麥對 35 萬人進行了手機使用的相關調查,這個大規模研究表明使不使用手機,在癌症的發病率上並沒有根本差別。

研究表明,雖說手機能發出電磁波,但電磁波和醫學檢查儀器所產生的放射性是不同的, 危害要低的多。




Danish study finds no cancer link to cell phone

London --

Danish researchers can offer some reassurance if you're concerned about your cell phone: Don't worry. Your device is probably safe.

The biggest study ever to examine the possible connection between cell phones and cancer found no evidence of any link, suggesting that billions of people who are rarely more than a few inches from their phones have no special health concerns.

The Danish study of more than 350,000 people concluded there was no difference in cancer rates between people who had used a cell phone for about a decade and those who did not.

Last year, a separate large study found no clear connection between cell phones and cancer. But it showed a hint of a possible association between very heavy phone use and glioma, a rare but often deadly form of brain tumor. However, the numbers of heavy users was not sufficient to make the case.

That study of more than 14,000 people in multiple countries, in addition to animal experiments, led the International Agency for Research on Cancer to classify electromagnetic energy from cell phones as "possibly carcinogenic," adding it to a list that includes things such as coffee and gasoline engine exhaust.

But that designation does not mean the phones necessarily pose a risk. Cell phones do not emit the same kind of radiation as that used in some medical tests or found in other sources such as radon in soil.

Two U.S. agencies - the Food and Drug Administration and the Federal Communications Commission - have found no evidence that cell phones are linked to cancer.

Yet fears of a link persist, despite the fact that cancer rates have not risen since cell phones were introduced.

About three-quarters of the world's population, more than 5 billion people, use a cell phone.

This article appeared on page A - 12 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/10/20/MN961LKBK3.DTL#ixzz1bQn11nNk




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