


(2010-04-07 07:38:46) 下一個






嘿嘿,這鍋漿糊準備繼續搗下去, 對Dr. Brizendine列舉的這些男人的特性,你了解多少,能包容多少?


Cuts You Off When You're Venting With A Solution To Your Problem (男人不善於傾聽,特別在你需要安慰的時候)




The male brain is a lean, mean, problem-solving machine. That's why the man in your life tries to solve your problems instead of listening attentively while you vent. When he's faced with a personal problem, he uses his analytical brain structures, not his emotional ones, to find a solution. And it's frustrating to him when you don't let him try to help this way.


Goes Overboard With Protective Instincts (男人有很強的保護意識)


The male brain is also programmed to protect and provide for his family and bond with his children.



Too Ready To Fight (男人往往爭強好鬥)


He thrives under competition and is driven to improve his rank in whatever hierarchy he's in. His bravery is fed in his teen years when a massive increase in testosterone makes him perceive other people's faces as more aggressive than friendly. And as he matures, he's wired to let his guard down a little and show his softer side more often.



He's Possessive(男人有很強的占有欲)


He can fall in love just as hard as we can and sometimes more so.



He Had No Clue You Were About To Cry(男人很難理解為什麽女人情緒如此波動)



Forgive him for not understanding why you're crying. He does care. His way of showing he cares is to relieve your suffering by solving your problem. But he can't read your face well enough to see the tears coming. He's not wired for it, so cut him some slack.



He Wants Too Much Sex (男人的性欲比女人強很多)



He can't stop this desire any more than you can stop wanting to talk and cuddle. Stop thinking that it's weird or perverted for him to want a lot of sex or to want you to heighten his experience with sexy outfits or lingerie. He is much more visually stimulated than you are. You feel like he loves you when he listens to you and wants to spend time with you. He feels like you love him when you have sex with him and enjoy it.



He Looks At Other Women (男人會情不自禁的對其他漂亮的女人行注目禮)



Take a deep breath and accept that his brain is hard wired to zoom in on female body parts. He really can't help it. His brain and senses get hijacked by "man trance." Looking at a woman's breasts is something his brain will direct him to do his entire life. That doesn't mean he shouldn't learn to be discreet, but it does mean a trip to the lingerie store could spice up your sex life.



He's Too Quick To Anger (男人容易發火,失控)



Yes, he's quicker than you because your brain has an extra "stomach" for chewing anger that his doesn't have. He goes zero to fist fight in an instant. Don't feed into his angry rants. Yelling back at him or taunting him when he's already angry is like whacking a bee hive with a bat. Men can succumb to something called autocatalytic anger. Break that cycle by refusing to add fuel to the fire. And if you were wrong, admit it and bare your neck a little. His bark is usually worse than his bite.










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閱讀 ()評論 (7)
星星光 回複 悄悄話 回複vwbeetle的評論:

星星光 回複 悄悄話 回複anahiyiyi的評論:

anahiyiyi 回複 悄悄話 值得女人們借鑒的,而最重要的是女人要知道男人需要什麽。做到這個需要有一個善於領悟的頭腦。
vwbeetle 回複 悄悄話 加上漏掉的"不":

vwbeetle 回複 悄悄話 加上漏掉的"不":

vwbeetle 回複 悄悄話 讚同一部分,

建議讀者: 不要把她(Dr. Brizendine)說的當成是聖經...可以做參考.
anahiyiyi 回複 悄悄話 值得女人們借鑒的,而最重要的是女人要知道男人需要什麽。做到這個需要有一個善於領悟的頭腦。