


(2009-03-13 12:05:26) 下一個
Math Zoom全美資優生夏令營, 集最頂尖奧林匹克數學教練﹐招收數學優秀且全麵發展的學生﹐內容配合各種數學競賽﹐重在培養邏輯思維能力﹐分析問題和解決問題的能力﹐表達和溝通能力﹐拓寬學生視野﹐目標為培養數學相關學科的領袖人才。




Age: Middle School and High School students.

詳情請看網站﹕Math Zoom Academy www.mathzoom.org


Math Zoom Academy Faculty Information
Dr. Kevin Wang, Math Zoom Academy. Founding Director and Head Coach since 2006.

Dr. Kevin Wang was a member of the very first Chinese IMO Team. Dr. Wang was the top scorer in Beijing, China in AHSME and AIME, and winner of multiple national & international contests in math and science in China. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the Pennsylvania State University, and worked as Assistant Professor and Researcher in Mathematics at UC Irvine and UCLA from 1997 to 1999. Dr. Wang also has broad experiences in industry, working at technology and media corporations such as Oracle and News Corp.

Dr. Wang was invited to teach at the MOSP (Mathematical Olympiad Summer Program) in 2007. The MOSP is an all-expense-paid program, and only the top 50 participants of the USAMO are chosen to attend. The 6 members of the IMO team for USA are selected from MOSP participants. Dr. Wang currently serves as member of Advisory Board for AMC (American Mathematical Competitions).

Dr. Harold B. Reiter, University of North Carolina Charlotte. Math Zoom Summer Camp Faculty since 2007.

Dr. Harold B. Reiter is a Professor of Mathematics at UNCC. He chaired the American Mathematics Competitions AHSME Committee from 1993 to 2000. He has been the state director of the AMC for North Carolina since 1979. He currently serves on the College Board\'s College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Pre Calculus Mathematics Committee; chairs the MAA\'s Edith May Sliffe Award Committee. He is a former chair and member of the MATHCOUNTS Question Writing Committee; former member of AIME and USAMO committees, former chair of SAT II Test Development Committee with ETS; Numerous other awards, honors, and publications. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Clemson University.

Dr. Paul Dreyer, RAND Corporation. Math Zoom Year Round and Summer Camp Faculty since 2007.

Dr. Paul Dreyer is a mathematician at the RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, CA. At RAND, Dr. Dreyer uses mathematical modeling techniques on a wide variety of military, energy, and security issues. He received his PhD in mathematics from Rutgers University in 2000, writing his dissertation on the applications of graph theory to problems in facilities placement, modeling opinion formulation in groups, and methods to speed up searches through protein sequence databases. Prior to joining RAND, Dr. Dreyer spent summers working at the National Security Agency in Fort Meade, MD and one of its subcontractors, the IDA Center for Computing Science in Bowie, MD researching topics in cryptography and computer security.

In addition to his work at RAND, Dr. Dreyer serves as the Western Site Coordinator for the American Regions Mathematics League, a national math contest for high school students, and also serves on the question writing committee. Dr. Dreyer has taught courses in the electrical engineering department at UCLA and is also a professor at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, teaching a mathematics course for public policy students. Dr Dreyer also teaches at Math Zoom Year-round programs.

Professor Steven Davis. Math Zoom Year Round and Summer Camp Faculty since 2009.

Professor Davis is an active problem writer for AMC series of competitions. He has been a Math Professor in several Cal State University and Community College campuses. He is a former State Director of AMC for California. He also teaches at the Math Zoom Year-round Program.

Ms. Kelly Ren, Math Zoom Academy and Kiddie Techie. Math Zoom Year Round and Summer Camp Faculty since 2007.

With strong passion in Children and Human Development and extensive technology background, Ms. Ren co-founded Kiddie Techie, Inc., a computer-based learning program. Ms. Ren has been the director and chief curriculum developer of Kiddie Techie. Under her direction, Kiddie Techie has quickly expanded to more than 30 schools, districts and cities in Southern California within two years. Ms. Ren has broad experiences in the technology industries such as Information Technology, Electronics, and Semiconductors. She has served in technical professional and management positions in technology and financial services companies including IBM, Optum Software, and Washington Mutual. Ms. Ren has a MS degree in Electrical Engineering from Penn State University, and a Bachelor degree in Physics.

Ms. Ren is the Camp Director of Math Zoom Summer Program 2009.
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