2009 (179)
2010 (242)
2011 (208)
2012 (169)
2013 (161)
2014 (114)
2015 (143)
2016 (142)
2017 (91)
2018 (86)
2019 (66)
2021 (47)
2022 (47)
1 神秘廚具/The Mystery Kitchen Utensil
My collection of vintage kitchen utensils includes one whose intended purpose was always a mystery. It looks like a cross between a metal slotted spoon and a spatula, so I use it as both. When not in use, it is prominently displayed in a decorative ceramic utensil caddy in my kitchen.
The mystery of the spoon/spatula was recently solved when I found one in its original packaging at a rummage sale.
It’s a pooper-scooper.
2 時區是很難的/Time Zones Are Hard
While I was out to lunch, my coworker answered my phone and told the caller that I would be back in 20 minutes. The woman asked, ?“Is that 20 minutes Central Standard Time?”
3 買畫的一個原因/One Reason To Buy A Painting
At an art gallery, a woman and her ten-year-old son were having a tough time choosing between one of my paintings and another artist’s work. They finally went with mine.
“I guess you decided you prefer an autumn scene to a floral,” I said.
“No,” said the boy. “Your painting’s wider, so it’ll cover three holes in our wall.”
4 選一個丈夫,任何丈夫/Pick a Husband, Any Husband
As the hostess at the casino buffet showed me to my table, I asked her to keep an eye out for my husband, who would be joining me momentarily. I started to describe him: “He has gray hair, wears glasses, has a potbelly …”
She stopped me there. “Honey,” she said, “today is senior day. They all look like that.”
5 阿呆的海洋/An Ocean of Dumb
A man called, furious about an Orlando, Florida, vacation package we had booked for him: He was expecting an ocean-view hotel room. I explained that was not possible, since Orlando is in the middle of the state. “Don’t lie to me,” he said. ?“I looked on the map, and Florida is a very thin state.”
6 不同物種的一匹馬/A Horse Of A Different Species
Scene: Horseback-riding stable.
Mom: Those horses are awfully big for my daughter.
Me: Our horses are very sweet …
Mom: Don’t you have something smaller? What about that one over there? It’s the perfect size for her!
Me: Um … that’s a goat.
嗯, 這兩個很有趣:)
問好花甲老翁, 周中快樂!
哈哈, 夢兒好! 喚喚就喜歡搞研究~
夢兒, 新周快樂!
晴好! 周末樂樂,好好放鬆:)
謝謝晴鼓勵, 新周快樂!
尼斯好! 你還是真了解喚喚: )
尼斯, 新周快樂!
哈哈, 菲兒, 第一個讓你驚訝了~
菲兒, 新周快樂!
哈哈, 喚喚, 你咋笑點那麽高呢? 笑話都逗不笑你~ 盡喜歡什麽都研究:)
笑話不笑, 六個哈哈也沒用, 回複你兩個~
問好cxyz, 周末快樂!
謝謝婉妮喜歡, 周末快樂!
哈哈, 問好默默, 周末快樂!
問好水沫, 周末快樂!
哈哈,問好小圓餅, 周末快樂!
小小好! 是啊,不清楚的用具最好不要用~ 也同情一下受挫的畫家:)
小小, 周末快樂!
1. 所以老廚房用具不知道是啥時不能亂用:))
3. 那位畫畫的藝術家太傷心啦~~~~~~
小婷好! 我也喜歡這兩個:)
小婷, 周末快樂!
夢兒好, 周末快樂!
哈哈, 給沙發上的圓圓上茶, 周末快樂!