2009 (179)
2010 (242)
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2012 (169)
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2014 (114)
2015 (143)
2016 (142)
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2019 (66)
2021 (47)
2022 (47)
1 歌德的包容/Goethe's Tolerance
Goethe was once strolling on a narrow path in a park in Weimar. As luck would have it, he met with a critic who was hostile to him. Both of them stopped, staring at each other. Then the critic said, "I'll never make way for a fool." "But I will," with that Goethe retreated aside.
2 誰更醜?/Who Is Uglier?
Abraham Lincoln's ability to laugh at himself sustained him through his many adversities. One example he often recalled was the time when an ugly man thrust a revolver in his face. Lincoln tried to remain calm, asking the man what he wanted. The man replied, holding the gun to Lincoln's head, "Some years ago I swore that if I ever came across an uglier man than myself, I'd shoot him on the spot."
Relief crossed Lincoln's face and he lost all his tension and anxiety. "Shoot me," he said to the stranger, "for if I am an uglier man than you, I don't want to live."
3 反擊/Counterattack
The German poet Heine was Jewish. Once at a party a traveler said to him: "I found an island where, to my surprise, there were no Jews or donkeys!"
Henie said calmly: "Well, this defect can only be remedied when you and I together go to the island!"
4 蕭伯納的智慧/Bernard Shaw's Wisdom
In one dinner party, a capitalist eyed bony Bernard Shaw up and down, and said in all seriousness, "Look at your appearance, it really makes people believe that all the British are starving."
Bernard Shaw, examining the potbellied capitalist, said, "But, I know as soon as I saw you the reason why Britain is suffering from famine."
5 聰明的翻譯/A Clever Interpreter
A famous writer who was visiting Japan was invited to deliver a lecture at a university to a large number of students. As most of them could not understand English, he had to have an interpreter.
During his lecture he told an amusing story which went on for rather a long time. At last he stopped to allow the interpreter to translate it into Japanese, and was very surprised when the man did this in a few seconds, after which all the students laughed loudly.
After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him, "Now please tell me how you translated that long story of mine into such a short Japanese one."
"I didn't tell the story at all," the interpreter answered with a smile. "I just said, the honourable lecturer has just told a funny story. You will all laugh, please.'"
6 晚飯後我從不工作/I Never Work After Supper
A penny-pinching farmer didn't want his hired hand to stop working. One morning,he told the farmhand, "It's such a nuisance to come in from the field, wash up for lunch and take time to eat. Why don't we save time and eat lunch now?"
The hired man agreed. The farm's wife brought in some cold meat and fried potatoes,and the two men ate again.
When they had finished, the cheap farmer said, "While we're still at the table, let's have supper too." They were now served steak, boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables, and they ate once more.
"Now that the meals are done," the farmer announced, we can go out and work all day without interruption."
"Oh. no," the farmhand answered. "I never work after supper."
點點好! 也祝你新年吉祥如意!
美眉好! 很高興你喜歡,新年快樂!
花甲老翁好! 祝闔家新年快樂如意!
小婷好! 祝闔家新年快樂如意!
晴好! 嗯,快快樂樂地迎新年:)
花瓣好! 新年快樂!
貝卡好! 很高興你喜歡:)
祝貝卡闔家新年快樂! 事事如意!
亮亮媽媽好! 祝亮亮媽媽闔家新年快樂! 萬事如意!
哈哈, 水沫好! 我真希望我有你寫小說的本領:)
謝謝水沫鼓勵, 祝水沫闔家新年快樂! 萬事如意!
閑閑客好! 幸福的雇工啊:)
小小好! 謝謝你的細心閱讀,我趕快加上去:)
菲兒好! 謝謝你和婉妮欣賞機智幽默的故事:)
像蕭伯納等名人的智慧+ 幽默,佩服~~~