Youareagirlwithabighearthavingfriendsofalldifferenttraitssomeevenrun..."> Youareagirlwithabighearthavingfriendsofalldifferenttraitssomeevenrun..." /> 借文下雨-詩興大發011-To The Big Heart Dear Girl-by Worldling - 博客 | 文學城



借文下雨-詩興大發011-To The Big Heart Dear Girl-by Worldling

(2008-08-31 05:36:21) 下一個

You are a girl with a big heart
having friends of all different traits
some even run opposite ways
Variety does not make you dizzy
‘coz you see everyone’s inner beauty

You are a girl with a big heart
ready to offer genuine concern
be that a lonely old lady next door
or a troubled friend
who can use a little comfort

You are a girl with a big heart
even in your darkest days
Tears may have blurred your vision
The hope and belief in true love
you've never put away

One day I happily heard you say
For quite some while
you were obsessed with one idea
life stuck in nowhere
Now you realize that was silly

Wish you enjoy your journey all the way
for “yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But today is a gift
That’s why we call it the present”
Hope you like this little present for today

歌兒按;牛蛙博士說這篇是寫給我的,我這個屬秤砣的也終於有點忍不住飄飄然了,嗬嗬。掛在這裏,跟所有with a big heart的女孩們共享, 當然還有那些有時big heart,有時small heart, 象我一樣的姐妹們。:))
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想去看海 回複 悄悄話 哇博士好文采!

歌兒:you deserve it!
歌兒 回複 悄悄話 哈哈,牛蛙博士我說那幾句話咋那眼熟呢,原來是功夫熊貓裏的絕句啊!太妙了也!





靜謐海灣 回複 悄悄話 哇博士牛啊!太牛了!zt 

歌兒啊,飄起來了吧?哈哈:) zt

Feel the same as 哇博士.
老史 回複 悄悄話 哇博士牛啊!太牛了!zt 

老鍋餅 回複 悄悄話 哇博士牛啊!太牛了!
worldling 回複 悄悄話 歌兒:你的小心眼我當然也知道了,比如那回哭得上氣不接下氣的,不就是因為那誰怎麽怎麽(或者沒怎麽怎麽)你了麽?所以嘛,我才說你是個BIG HEART,而不是BIG木頭疙瘩:)



mycereal 回複 悄悄話 hairycat: hehe,小調皮貓,I really like you.
綠豆紅茶 回複 悄悄話 Bravo, Dr. W.
hairycat 回複 悄悄話 回複mycereal的評論:

hughug, you are very sweet, I really love you.
mycereal 回複 悄悄話 hariycat: I agree with your point too. hehe.
南山鬆 回複 悄悄話 寫得真好,流暢,優美。--ZT

Wish you enjoy your journey all the way
for “yesterday is history
Tomorrow is a mystery
But today is a gift
That’s why we call it the present”
Hope you like this little present for today

hairycat 回複 悄悄話 歌兒, see you tomorrow. By the way, how many hours difference we have (I'm in Toronto). I am always amazed by the intenet, it connects us like in a village. Hi 歌兒 again.
hairycat 回複 悄悄話 Being "a girl with a big heart" is quite difficult because naturally, girls are jealouse. I am still 小氣,小心眼,愛生氣,but my LD and friends still love me because I can say "sorry" quickly if I'm wrong. I have a close friend who is truly a girl with a big heart, and she is my idol. Everyday, 我對她是頂禮摹拜,虛心學習,隻改了一點,近朱者赤,我也變粉了,嗬嗬1 我真喜歡大氣的女孩兒,史湘雲那樣的,多好.

ps. by the way, longhair, you cannot offend me. I do believe in love and marriage, that's for sure. My LD still loves me and we stay in the marriage for so longggggg and still enjoy each other's companion. Hehee, little bragging! I understand that the sociaty is evolving. I just won't stay with someone who doesn't want to marry me. If he truly love me, why is so hard to marry me? This is my point -- just apply in my life.
mycereal 回複 悄悄話 worldling: 讀你這首詩的時候,一邊讀,一邊替歌兒感動得不行。寫得真好,流暢,優美。
歌兒 回複 悄悄話 呀!你都睡醒了啊?坐上了牛蛙博士的沙發,你幸福吧你!:)
hairycat 回複 悄悄話 sofa! yeahhhhhh!