
西府來子 (熱門博主)
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Unleash The Power Of Your Enzymes

(2014-10-20 11:19:34) 下一個

What are these invisible things we call Enzymes?

There are three types of enzymes that we need to survive and the body naturally produces two of them and we need to consume the other type through the food we eat.

Enzymes are molecules of energized proteins and are necessary for life and are found in all living cells.

They catalyze and regulate almost all of the body’s chemical reactions. They can’t even been seen with the most powerful microscopes yet their presence and strength is determined by improved blood and immune system functions.

Metabolic Enzymes are produced by the liver, pancreas, gallbladder and other organs. They speed up and help in the detoxification and energy production. They allow us to hear, feel, move and think. Every organ, every tissue and 100 trillion cells in our body depend on these metabolic enzymes.

Digestive Enzymes are secreted in the digestive tract to help break down food into nutrients and waste. These enzymes allow the nutrients to be absorbed into the blood and the waste to be discarded. Some of the human digestive enzymes include pepsin, trypsin, ptyalin, lipase, protease and amylase. Cellulase is an enzyme that the body can not make on its own so it must come from the raw food we eat. Cellulase is necessary for the digestion of fiber.

Food Enzymes are found in the raw foods we eat and manifest only enough enzymes to digest that particular food, not enough to be stored in the body for later use. Cooking and processing of raw, alive food destroys all of it’s enzymes.

The Body's Enzymes, Fermented, Cultured, Raw, Foods

 Your Enzymes have potential

Studies dating from the 1940’s prove that we have the ability to produce a finite number of enzymes during our lifetime. This ability varies in each of us and is dependent on our individual DNA. Some people develop a deficiency in enzymes and this can be caused by a number of factors, but supplementation can help.

There are many things we can do to aid our bodies in digestion and detoxifcation. To start it’s important to eat nutrient rich and living (oxygen rich) foods. Also we can feed our internal flora with fermented, cultured and sprouted foods, which are rich in enzymes.

Help your body detox and your enzymes will unlock the body’s natural power and energy needed to stay healthy. Every cell of your body is loaded with active and inactive enzymes just waiting for the one with the key to unlock them. Most people spend their whole lives never realizing that they have always held the key to unlocking good health.

Help Is In Your Kitchen

It’s so easy to learn to ferment vegetables or start culturing your own coconut-almond yogurt or there are new vegan products available at your local health food store that can get you started. Making your own Water Kefir is also a great way to feed your gut. The health benefits from helping unlock your enzymes are staggering and should never be underestimated when it comes to the healing power of the body as it uses these miracle keys to start your cell’s engines. Sometimes our body just needs a boost to help get it back on track. Of course, eating clean, raw whole food with the enzymes intact is always the first step.

Use the power of your senses

It is important to be more conscious of reading the labels on food products you buy and know what is inside the packaging. Also engage your imagination more to meditate, visualize and feel the love more for yourself and others.

One of the most powerful new movies out there is Hungry for Change and should be on everyone’s must watch list.

Garner support by connecting with like minded people to learn and get involved in your health-conscious community. It feels amazing knowing you’re not only nourishing your own body, but contributing making a positive impact on our society’s overall health through your support of others. You are not alone and there are many out here to help.

Let us know where you are with feeding your digestive flora. We always love to hear back from people on what has worked for them, share recipes and learn more about the incredible world of living foods.

About the author


Ken is an amazing raw food chef, web developer, fine artist, photography expert, and is the creator and host of several popular meetup groups. His coaching in the kitchen and his public speaking appearances are equally high in demand.

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