
西府來子 (熱門博主)
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Don't Be a Victim of a Fatal Cardiac Event

(2014-07-07 12:34:43) 下一個

Prevention Is Easier Than Cure
By HMDI Editors

I’ll bet you didn’t know that the very first symptom in 50 percent of heart disease cases is sudden death. You read me right. Half the time, a person dies with no previous warning!

That’s why it is so important to try to prevent or reverse heart disease – the No. 1 disease killer for both men and women - before it strikes a deadly punch!

"Prevention is easier than cure" has been my mantra for decades. Many years ago, after years of practicing "revolving-door medicine" (where I'd treat patients using conventional interventions only to treat them again a few months or years later for the same issues), I realized just how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle.

In a nutshell, living a healthy lifestyle means avoiding and assuaging - through a variety of regular or daily habits -  the silent inflammation that can wreak havoc on your arteries and possibly lead to a fatal cardiac event.

Healthy Lifestyle Habits: My Pillars of Health

  • As much as possible, make your diet all about anti-inflammatory foods, and avoid foods that cause inflammation, such as sugars and omega 6 oils. More on a healthy diet here.
  • Get enough regular exercise. It doesn't have to (and shouldn't) be strenuous - walking is a great way to get yourself moving. Try for about 30 minutes every day.
  • Detoxify your body regularly.
  • Take targeted nutritional supports. As you likely already know, I especially recommend 4 nutrients I call "the awesome foursome" to keep aging hearts going strong.
  • Effectively manage emotional stress (achieves balance of autonomic nervous system activity). Stress can cripple and kill - no doubt about it. Read up here on stress relief techniques like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and massage.
  • Get grounded. Grounding also helps balance the autonomic nervous system.
  • You also may want to try alternative or adjunct therapies like acupuncture.
  • If you smoke, QUIT now. Here are some tips.

Lifestyle habits all add up - for better or for worse. Every new day is the perfect day to make the best choices you can to support optimal health.

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