
西府來子 (熱門博主)
  • 博客訪問:

將澱粉轉成“益生元纖維”的酶 GlycemicPro? Transglucosidase

(2013-11-18 11:52:02) 下一個

Hundreds of studies document the importance of protecting against blood glucose surges.1 What the public doesn’t realize is that a huge source of blood sugar emanates from dietary starch.2,3 This includes bread, pasta, potatoes, and rice. But even so-called healthy carbohydrates like whole-grain bread and brown rice can induce undesirable glucose spikes.4
In a breakthrough development, scientists have shown that an enzyme called transglucosidase converts starches into prebiotic fiber within your own digestive tract.5,6 Consuming this enzyme with starchy meals helps avoid the flood of glucose into the bloodstream that results from eating carbohydrates.
Published studies show that transglucosidase limits the amount of sugar released from starch, especially in the critical after-meal period. It does this by converting dietary starch into a beneficial indigestible prebiotic fiber.5 Transglucosidase has been demonstrated in humans to reduce the level of rapidly digested starch in a carbohydrate food item by 31%.7 This helps maintain healthy blood glucose, cholesterol, and insulin levels for those whose levels are already in the normal range.8-11
Each vegetarian capsule of the new GlycemicPro™ Transglucosidase contains a full 450,000 TG (transglucosidase activity units) of transglucosidase. Just one capsule taken with starch-containing meals helps limit the release of sugar from starch. Those who consume a low-starch diet may need to take only one GlycemicPro™ Transglucosidase capsule daily with their starch-containing meal.
1. Available at: www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/3759-soda-type-2-diabetes-risk.html . Accessed April 30, 2013.
2. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998 Jun;67(6):1186-96.
3. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001 Feb;73(2):177-89.
4. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997 Nov;66(5):1264-76.
5. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 2007 Nov;41(3):191-6.
6. Vet Res Commun. 2010 Feb;34(2):161-72.
7. J Agric Food Chem. 2007 May 30;55(11):4540-7.
8. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012 Jul;18 Suppl 4:50-3.
9. Acta Cir Bras. 2012 Mar;27(3):279-82.
10. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Jan;16(1):20-7.
11. Gastroenterol Clin North Am. 2012 Dec;41(4):843-54.

(TRANSGLUCOSIDASE) Enzyme in the news to STOP Starch Induced Blood Sugar Spikes 轉葡糖苷酶

Do you have a problem with blood glucose spikes especially after a high carbohydrate starchy meal? I think most of us do. There is an enzyme making the news lately called Transglucosidase / Pronounced (trans-gluco-side-ace) and here is why you need to know about it.

Impressive laboratory studies have recently shown that when this enzyme comes in contact with starchy foods and natural enzymes in the digestive tract, there is a 31% reduction in rapidly digested starch, which is the kind that causes those blood sugar spikes after a big meal and it also causes an 11% increase in slowly digested starch, causing it to get converted to sugar more slowly if AT ALL.


If you are a PRE-diabetic that is big news. Hey, it is also BIG news if you are a full blown type 2 diabetic. WHY?

Latest guidelines from the "Institute of Medicine" indicates a healthy diet as one whose carbohydrate intake should be 65% of daily food intake. (Questionable????)

Here are some HIDDEN dangers of such a high starch diet regimen:

  • Starch is probably the BIGGEST source of sugar in your diet - even if you eat whole grain bread, brown rice and perhaps whole wheat pasta.
  • Starchy foods are HIGH in glucose precursors - all starch gets turned into SUGAR in the digestive process / some faster and some slower than others
Impact of insulin EXCESS:

Insulin is a hormone that is absolutely necessary for carbohydrate and fat metabolism, however when it is secreted in excess, it can become a death hormone. Chronically ELEVATED insulin levels put a body at risk of dying from diseases such as cancer, stokes, heart attacks and ultimately lead to a "Burnt-Out" pancreas incapable of any glucose control at all. EVEN non-diabetics with normal fasting blood sugar levels are at an increased risk IF their after meal glucose levels rise TOO HIGH, TOO FAST.

The MOST DANGEROUS PERIOD  is approximately the first two hours after a starchy meal when all starch gets turned into sugar and can cause spikes in your glucose level and INSULIN levels into the DANGER ZONE.

By taking a supplement including TRANSGLUCOSEIDASE before A STARCHY MEAL and adequate soluble and insoluble fiber you can go a long ways to counter acting this situation. The American Diabetes Association recommends 20 to 35 grams of fiber a day and most of us do not get ANYWHERE NEAR THAT LEVEL OF FIBER.

One source of this supplement is "Life Extension" and their supplement is item #01731 available directly from Life Extension and retails for $54 per bottle (reduced to $37.50 if you buy 4 bottles at a time). Other discounts may be available for being a Life Extension member. This is a powerful supplement combined with getting adequate fiber especially with starchy meals and should go a LONG WAYS in reducing BG spikes after a meal. ONE capsule contains 450,000 (IU) or international units of Transgulcoseidase)

Another source I found on line is drugstore.com and they offer a product called Enzymedica- Reduce capsules for $17.59 per bottle so (5) bottles would run you $87.95 plus shipping.. These are 30 capsule bottles and they also offer 90 capsules bottles for $45.59. Go online to drugstore.com.

There are  differences in the exact dose age and contents of the two products listed above. I KNOW Life Extension Magazine has top notch products and there monthly magazine is where I learned of the concept to begin with. The drugstore.com product contains 75,000 (IU) of glucoreductase which includes transglucosidase of 75,000 units. It also contains zine gluconate 15mg, some chromium picolinate, and cinnamon extract 20:1 / 50mg.

This is not a bad product or a rip off, however from a cost effective standpoint, one capsule of the Life Extension formula  would be roughly equal to (6) capsules of the drugstore.com formula. Looking at it from that perspective, the drugstore.com order of FIVE bottles for $87.95 plus shipping is still less potency than (1) bottle of the Life Extension formula or $37.50 EACH when you purchase four bottles. Something to think about. At this point in time I can find only the two supplements listed above. I am SURE that will change as time marches on and the word gets out.

I will do another post soon on the problems of blood glucose spikes and having too much INSULIN.


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