
西府來子 (熱門博主)
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(2013-10-18 07:04:04) 下一個

Let me quickly explain a little bit more about the “4 pillars of a perfect prostate”—and how they could quickly turn your life around.

The first Pillar is...

The Foundation of Perfect Prostate Nutrition:
Saw Palmetto and Urtica Dioica

Now I know what you’re thinking—‘didn’t you just say that Saw Palmetto can be pretty much useless?’

Yes...pretty much useless—on its own.

But team it up with a strange-sounding plant from the European countryside, and get ready for blessed relief!

I’ll tell you about that European powerhouse in a second. But first, you’ve GOTTA start with the best form of saw palmetto.

Now I could go on and on about the chemistry behind different saw palmetto extracts.

But you don’t want a science lesson, you want RELIEF.

So here’s all you really need to know: the ONLY way to get the most out of saw palmetto is with a specific kind of extract. It has to come from the berries of the plant, and it must be standardized to contain at least 85% fatty acids.

(That “standardized” part is important—it means the extract is rigorously tested to contain a specified amount of the ACTIVE ingredients.)

But as you now know, saw palmetto ALONE may not give you the full satisfaction you’ve been missing.

And one thing is crystal clear from the research: the perfect saw palmetto “sidekick” is a European plant called Urtica Dioica, also known as nettle root.

It’s a flowering herb that’s rich in compounds called phytosterols. Together with the fatty acids from saw palmetto, they may help to block the enzyme that turns testosterone into its evil twin, DHT.

What could this mean for you?

Well, no matter how long it’s been since you had a long, powerful, completely satisfying urination—you don’t have to wait any longer. Now you can help open up those floodgates and let it ALL go—all at once.

Then you can relax, and enjoy that feeling of sweet relief—knowing you may not have to go again for HOURS...

But this dynamic duo of prostate support is only the first pillar. And you’ll need all 4 if you want to build a stable foundation for a perfect prostate.


The Prostate “Power Team” That Unleashes Your Urinary Force: Pygeum Africanum and Pumpkin Seed Oil

If you’ve tried other prostate products, you’ve probably heard about Pygeum Africanum.

It comes from the bark of an exotic African tree. Bushmen have used it for thousands of years to deal with urinary symptoms.

And unlike saw palmetto, Pygeum CAN work some minor wonders by itself.

In one unblinded, non-placebo controlled study, men who took Pygeum alone reduced their nighttime peeing 32% and they saw a surge in maximum urinary flow rate. Flow rate is how scientists measure your “peeing power.” You know how scientists love to measure everything...

Now, 32% less nighttime peeing AND “Fire hose” urinary force—that’s exciting enough. But when you combine Pygeum with all-natural pumpkin seed oil, you get a shot of several of those beneficial phytosterols.

Those are the nutrients that preliminary research suggests may positively impact your hormone balance and help promote a healthy sized prostate.

That may mean less of that “never-ending urge”... that “why can’t I get it all out?” feeling...

And it means NOT having to dehydrate yourself in the evening—just so you can sleep through the night. Now, I can understand giving up some things for the sake of your health.

But a glass of water before bed?

Not even prisoners are subjected to that kind of abuse! So drink up—PROSTATE DEFENSE  has you covered.


The Prostate Antioxidants: Vitamin E and
the “Watermelon Wonder”

Pillar 3 is all about fighting the oxidative stress that may make your peeing problem so urgent.

That requires a “tag-team” of prostate-targeted antioxidants. And there are reams of studies that demonstrate the power of these two in particular.

First, researchers noticed that the more Vitamin E you get from your diet, the more likely you are to have a healthy prostate.

But Vitamin E alone won’t give you relief you can really feel.

When you add an antioxidant compound from a juicy summer fruit, though, things start to get interesting.

I call it “the watermelon wonder,” but you probably know it as Lycopene. It’s gotten a lot of press for its potential benefits for your eyes and heart. And with good reason—research suggests it’s one of the most potent antioxidants for those age-sensitive parts of your body.

But it really shines in the ‘manhood’ department...

See, Lycopene’s antioxidant action can help support the health of your prostate cells.

Which means that along with the other ingredients, it can help reduce that nagging urge... and when you do have to go, it could help you unleash a power stream like a garden hose on full blast!

Sounds pretty good, right?

But we’re not finished just yet.

See, I believe in dealing with what could be the real underlying cause of your frustrations.


Zinc and Selenium

Here’s something you may not know—there’s more zinc in your prostate than anywhere else in your body.

This is one of those mysteries scientists still haven’t quite solved. No one knows exactly why zinc is so important to your prostate.

But one thing is clear: zinc, along with selenium, are two of the manliest minerals on earth.

They’re both crucial to healthy fertility...

And they’re even more important for a healthy prostate. Studies show they’re directly involved in something called “apoptosis” which is the technical term for cell death.

Now, cell death sounds like a bad thing—and most of the time, it is.

But when your goal is to keep your prostate to a healthy size, you need some cells to die off.

In this case, it’s not just a good thing— it’s the only way to maintain a truly healthy prostate in the years to come!

That’s why the 4 pillars of prostate health are so important.

Just think—how great will it be to finally get some satisfaction when you pee?

Imagine, feeling total release—just relaxing and letting it go...

Then you can move on with your life—watch TV, read the paper, go for a walk, or out to dinner—WITHOUT that urgent sensation dragging you down...

And even when you do have to go, imagine being able to comfortably “hold it” until it’s convenient for YOU... Won’t that be nice the next time you’re in the middle of the row at a movie or a ball game?

Think how much more you’ll enjoy the simple things in life!

Think how much freedom you’ll have—when you don’t have to map out the nearest men’s room everywhere you go!

And as great as it will be to finally get some urinary comfort, let’s not forget...

Your prostate is a SEX organ

Without a healthy prostate, you can’t even have a real ejaculation!

I’m sorry to be so blunt, but let’s be honest—we’re talking about the most intensely pleasurable sensation you’ll ever experience.

Isn’t that worth protecting?

Don’t you want to keep having satisfying sex—FOREVER?

Especially when you can help maintain healthy urination– and keep a red-hot sex life going... in one fell swoop?

Mike Burns from Worcester, MA did it. And take a look at what he wrote me:

“I have been using PROSTATE DEFENSE for 4 or 5 years.” he said. “I thought it was another flash in the pan, but it works like a miracle... I am finally truly satisfied.”

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