
西府來子 (熱門博主)
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The most significant blood-pressure breakthrough in 25 years

(2013-10-17 12:05:56) 下一個

Ultimate BP™ Breakthrough #1
Results from recent green coffee study published in a major medical journal:
Test subjects blood-pressure numbers shocked the researchers
After only weeks, the green coffee numbers were simply astounding.

Don’t worry about caffeine! Green coffee has less caffeine than a cup of DE-caffeinated coffee!

Hidden in these beans is a nutrient that may hold the key to protecting your body’s nitric oxide—the essential compound your blood vessels need to “relax” and open up—so healthy blood pressure and blood flow is optimal.

When Japanese researchers recently tested the blood pressure effects of green coffee extracts, the results were shocking.

Here are the actual 12 week results from the clinical study…

  • Systolic blood pressure (the TOP number) — HEALTHY.
  • Diastolic blood pressure (the BOTTOM number) — NORMAL.

How relieved would YOU feel with results like these? How surprised would your doctor be at your next checkup?

Even better, the green coffee test subjects enjoyed these results naturally.

What about side effects? None. In fact, the Japanese researchers reported that “… there were NO apparent side effects.”1

A second human study confirmed the remarkable results… and took it one step further…

In a separate study of 117 patients, researchers reported similar results for blood pressure.

They also reported that the more green coffee extracts the test subjects took, the healthier their blood pressure. Again, the results were reported in one of the world’s most respected medical journals.2

Look what’s going on inside your arteries and blood vessels…

As you age, your heart and blood vessels aren't as flexible as they once were, which may mean it's harder to maintain healthy blood pressure.

The nutrients discussed in this report help protect your body’s precious supply of nitric oxide—which relaxes and OPENS your arteries for healthier blood flow. They help keep your blood vessels smooth and flexible.

How does green coffee work? It’s nitric oxide.

The secret lies deep inside your arteries, blood vessels and even your heart. If you could shrink yourself down to the size of a molecule and travel through an artery, the first thing you’d notice is what scientists call the endothelium.

The endothelium is the smooth, supple lining inside every blood vessel in your body—from the largest arteries to the teeny tiny blood vessels in the far reaches of your body. When you were young, and your nitric oxide levels were high, your endothelium probably looked smooth as silk and just as supple.

But as you age, your nitric oxide levels start falling and your endothelial cells begin to age, too.

Over time, your arteries would begin to become less flexible. The result? It may be harder to maintain healthy blood pressure.

But it doesn’t have to be that way for you—thanks to the ground-breaking research of three Nobel prize winners, and recent research into the health benefits of green coffee.

Green coffee helps rejuvenate the cells lining your arteries

The secret to green coffee’s power is connected to the availability of nitric oxide to your endothelial cells.

It’s really quite simple. In 1998, three Nobel Prize-winning scientists: Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro and Ferid Murad discovered that nitric oxide, a natural substance in your body, actually signals your endothelial cells to “relax” and open up your blood vessels.

The result? Healthy blood flow and normal blood pressure. But how can you make more nitric oxide available to your arteries and blood vessels?

That’s where green coffee comes in. In one study, researchers observed that people with healthy blood pressure have more nitric oxide available to nourish their endothelial cells—and help maintain healthy blood pressure.

Arteries OPEN WIDE and say AHHH!

The solution? Green coffee extracts. Inside your body, this remarkable substance helps protect your body’s natural supply of nitric oxide so your blood vessels can “open wide” and keep your blood pressure right where your doctor (and you) want it.

So it’s no surprise that test subjects saw BIG improvements in blood pressure in a matter of weeks…

  • Systolic blood pressure—HEALTHY.
  • Diastolic blood pressure—NORMAL.

The science is in, and it’s indisputable. Green coffee is the kind of all-natural breakthrough you see maybe once or twice in a generation.

That’s why I now recommend green coffee to anyone who wants to maintain healthy blood pressure for life. But don’t head for the store just yet.

I want you to combine green coffee extracts with three more nutrients to get the maximum possible benefits.

One of the nutrients actually helps your body keep calcium in your bones where it belongs!

In combination, these four powerhouse nutrients (in Ultimate BP™) represent a giant leap forward for healthy blood pressure. It’s a whole new philosophy of science-based natural healing that makes every other supplement combination on the market today obsolete.

I’ll tell you all about this breakthrough in just a moment. First, let’s look at the other nutrients you need to help magnify the power of green coffee extracts.


Ultimate BP™ Breakthrough #2
The 6,000-year-old blood pressure secret
of the ancient Egyptians

Although I’m convinced that green coffee is one of the greatest blood pressure breakthroughs ever, I know how to help magnify the benefits.

I’m talking about grapes, or more specifically grape seed extracts—where the nutrients are highly concentrated.

“Strong evidence”
for a healthy heart…

“There’s strong evidence that grape seed extract is beneficial for a number of cardiovascular [concerns]. Grape seed extract may help with… circulation… and… cholesterol… ”

Archeological evidence has revealed that the ancient Egyptians valued grapes for their health benefits. And ancient Greek philosophers wrote about the medicinal and health properties often.

It turns out they were both right. Recent studies have shown that grape seed extracts are powerful antioxidants that help protect your DNA as you age. They’re also packed with healthy flavonoids essential for maintaining healthy cholesterol, healthy blood sugar, and healthy aging.

But we’re talking about blood pressure today, and it just so happens that grape seed extracts are pure magic when it comes to maintaining healthy blood pressure. They’re also the absolute perfect companion to the green coffee extracts in Ultimate BP™.

  • Systolic (top) blood pressure—HEALTHY.
  • Diastolic (bottom) pressure—NORMAL.

In a human trial conducted at the UC Davis School of Medicine, test subjects were given grape seed extracts daily.

After only four weeks, the results were utterly astonishing: The systolic (top) number was great. The diastolic (bottom) number was also healthy.3

Prevention magazine reports on:
The Grape Seed Cure

“In a recent 4-week study at the University of California Davis, cardiovascular researchers gave a daily dose of 150 mg or 300 mg of GSE or a placebo to 24 people… Both GSE groups saw blood pressure [benefits]… ”

— Prevention magazine 11/11

It’s nitric oxide again…

Nitric oxide, you’ll recall, signals your blood vessels to relax and open wide—thus maintaining healthy blood pressure and increasing healthy blood flow. And grape seed extracts help support your body’s supply of healthy nitric oxide.

That’s what makes grape seed extracts the perfect companion to green coffee. Together (in Ultimate BP™) they help protect your body’s supply of precious nitric oxide.

But I’m not done quite yet. Let’s look at the next breakthrough nutrient in Ultimate BP™.

Ultimate BP™ Breakthrough #3
The ancient Chinese longevity secret that helps keep your blood vessels WIDE OPEN

For thousands of years, Chinese healers have considered the pomegranate a symbol of longevity. In ancient Babylonia, healers believed that pomegranates could even restore life to the dead.

Modern history is no exception. In recent studies, the humble pomegranate has demonstrated an utterly remarkable ability to help keep your heart healthy, and support healthy blood pressure levels.

Supported by modern research…

In a randomized, human trial published in a respected medical journal, scientists measured the cardiovascular benefits of the pomegranate. The subjects were 65-75 years old and were asked to drink a serving of pomegranate juice each day. No other lifestyle changes were required. The results?

Ultimate BP™ is based on the ground-breaking research of THREE Nobel Prize winners…

“They were the first scientists to demonstrate how nitric oxide ‘signals’ your cells and helps relax your blood vessels. Ultimate BP™ builds on this discovery with nutrients that help boost your nitric oxide levels naturally. The result is healthy blood pressure… ”

—Michael Cutler, M.D.

Healthy systolic (top) blood pressure

That’s a significant drop when it comes to your health. And it’s more than enough to help maintain healthy blood pressure for life.

But that’s not the most exciting news when it comes to pomegranate.

In the same study, scientists observed some remarkable results that make pomegranate the perfect companion to green coffee and grape seed extracts.

Pomegranate helped keep blood vessels flexible

Just as nitric oxide helps signal your blood vessels to relax and restore healthy blood flow, there are specific enzymes that work against you and help narrow your arteries. In the study above, an overwhelming majority of the test subjects saw improvement in the enzymes that affect arterial flexibility.4

In a second lab study conducted by the Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr. Louis Ignarro and his associates, it was determined that pomegranate juice actually helps protect nitric oxide from being destroyed (similar to green coffee).

That way, the supply of healthy nitric oxide continues uninterrupted, and it can help keep blood vessels nice and relaxed for healthy blood pressure levels.5

It’s amazing… I know. But I’m not done yet. There’s still one more ingredient in Ultimate BP™ we need to add to this miraculous mix—and it just may be the most amazing story of all.

Ultimate BP™ Breakthrough #4
The vitamin that helps your body naturally keep calcium in bones where you really need it!

Earlier in this report, I talked about “voyaging” through your blood vessels and witnessing what can occur as you grow older and are exposed to a poor diet, stress, pollution and even heredity.

Scientists have finally identified how you can help your body use calcium the way it needs it, in your bones.

How perfect a solution is that?

The golden key that makes this happen is called vitamin K2. You might be familiar with regular vitamin K1 that’s found in green, leafy vegetables so it’s easy to get sufficient quantities in your diet.

Vitamin K2 is usually found in foods like organ meats that most people don’t eat much these days (and for good reason). The best dietary source is a common Japanese staple called natto that’s made from fermented soybeans.

Believe me, I’ve tried natto and it’s definitely an acquired taste. Fortunately, there’s no need to subject yourself to dietary Hell. You can get all the vitamin K2 you need from supplements (provided you pick them carefully). I’ll explain how to do that later.

First, I want you to understand what a profound difference getting more K2 into your body can mean for you.

A higher intake of vitamin K2 has been associated
with a 20-percent improvement in your artery health…

That was the conclusion of a group of researchers who evaluated a group of 564 women whose average age was 67.

They concluded that those women who consumed higher amounts of vitamin K2 had healthier blood vessels.6

The world-famous Rotterdam Heart Study then
clinched the good news about vitamin K2

The researchers followed 4,800 men and women for seven years. They carefully monitored their intake of vitamin K2 and how it was affecting their cardiovascular health. The conclusion?7

Subjects who consumed the most vitamin K2 were much healthier…

Why? Because their arteries were healthier and more flexible.

Here’s what you get in every capsule…

  1. Green coffee bean extracts that contain 50-percent chlorogenic acid or CGA. In the clinical studies, it was CGA that was determined to help maintain the availability of nitric oxide to blood vessels—and help “relax” your blood vessels for healthier blood flow. True Health™ picks the finest quality coffee beans available and purifies them to extract the highest level of CGA for your health.
  2. MegaNatural BP (grape seed extracts). It’s the purest form of grape seed extracts available anywhere. It’s been tested in human trials and it’s highly bioavailable which means you get the health benefits you pay for and never flush them.
  3. Highly purified pomegranate juice extracts. In clinical research, pomegranate has demonstrated a remarkable ability to help maintain healthy blood pressure. Since much of the research into the health benefits of pomegranate have been done using juice, we have included a highly purified form so you can get the benefits of pomegranate juice without the extra expense of buying the juice!
  4. Vitamin K2 in its purest, most beneficial form. This is important. When you review all the research, you learn that there are thirteen different forms of vitamin K2. They’re labeled MK-1 through MK-13.

    The one YOU want, and need, is called MK-7.

    Why? Because it’s MK-7 that helps your body naturally keep calcium where it belongs. Ultimate BP™ uses only MK-7, so you can rest assured you’re getting the proven nutrient you want.

    MK-7 is also very expensive, so many vitamin companies have substituted inferior subtypes in their products. Rest assured that will never happen with Ultimate BP™.


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