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The Diet That Fights Cancer

(2010-11-01 08:55:15) 下一個
The Diet That Fights CancerThursday, October 21, 2010 10:20 AM

A ketogenic diet — one that is high in fat and low in carbs — can slow the growth of cancer. One case reported in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism involved a 65-year-old woman who had one of the most malignant primary brain tumors known to medicine (glioblastoma multiforme). The survival rate for this terrible tumor has not changed since I was a resident in neurosurgery 30 years ago.

The tumor wasn’t completely removed, which invariably leads to a recurrence within months. The patient placed herself on a standard, low-calorie, high-fat, 4-to-1 ketogenic diet before standard radiation/chemotherapy was begun.

Within two-and-a-half months, her MRI scan and a more accurate PET scan demonstrated no evidence of any tumor or brain edema. Remember, she had an incomplete removal of the tumor, meaning that the combined diet and traditional treatment completely eliminated it.

When she decided to no longer follow her strict caloric restriction (her daily intake was 600 calories), the tumor recurred.

While this was the first report of the elimination of a highly malignant brain tumor in an adult due to ketogenic diet, several reports described similar success in children with malignant brain tumors.

Evidence suggests that ketogenic diets also have a dramatic effect on the growth of other cancers. By limiting proteins and carbohydrates, the cancer cells are actually starved of glucose, the main fuel they use to grow. (For more information on fighting cancer, read my special report "Prevent Cancer Before It's Too Late.'')

Patients with high blood glucose levels experience rapid growth and invasion of their tumors. High glucose levels also increase angiogenesis — the growth of new blood vessels from existing vessels — which is essential for tumor growth and invasion.

Ironically, many cancer clinics tell their patients to eat lots of sweets to prevent weight loss during therapy. Instead, cancer patients should be eating a low-calorie, high-fat ketogenic diet.

By drastically reducing the intake of sugars and simple carbohydrates, caloric restriction reduces inflammation. (For a detailed discussion on inflammation and its role in many diseases, see my newsletter "Inflammation: The Real Cause of Most Diseases.") Calorie restriction also improves macrophage immune function. Macrophages are the main immune cells directing the body’s attack against cancers.

If you want to inhibit cancer, then eat no more:

• Sugars

• Cakes

• Pies

• Candies

• Pastries

• Breads

As you can see, there are a number of benefits from following a ketogenic diet: reduction in tumor cell nutrition (starving the cancer), reduction in angiogenesis, reduction in inflammation, and improved anti-tumor immunity.

The effectiveness of the diet in producing ketones can be measured by a simple blood test. Urine ketone tests are less accurate.

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