
西府來子 (熱門博主)
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Cut Calories, Increase Lifespan

(2010-10-19 14:52:06) 下一個

Throughout history, medicine has doggedly pursued the goal of prolonging life. But for the most part, the best efforts of scientists have failed to significantly extend the seemingly fixed limit on human lifespan.

That began to change in 1935, when a group of scientists discovered that restricting the caloric intake of rats caused them to live longer — as long as they were supplied with essential vitamins and minerals at the same time. (You can learn even more about the benefits of adding supplements to your diet by reading my special report "Key Vitamins That Save Your Heart, Prevent Cancer and Keep You Living Long.") There were limits, of course. Too drastic a reduction in calories increased death rates.

Newer studies have shown that mice on a diet of 30 to 50 percent fewer calories live 50 percent longer than rats allowed to eat unlimited amounts.

Another study used monkeys to better approximate human biology. They found that monkeys on a 30 percent lower calorie diet outlived the monkeys on a regular caloric diet by 2-to-1. In addition, they had fewer diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and other age-related ailments.

One group of people practicing this lower-calorie diet goes by the name Calorie Restriction Society International — they refer to themselves as CRONies, short for Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition. Members restrict their caloric intake by 10 to 30 percent. For nutritional balance, they eat a lot of vegetables.

Studies of the CRONies show that they have optimal metabolic reports, including low blood pressure and normal blood lipids. In general, they are much healthier than their same age counterparts who eat a typical American diet. For detailed information on losing weight, read my special report “The Fat Cure: Health Secrets to Losing Weight Permanently."

Animal studies have shown similar effects from low-calorie diets on blood sugar, blood lipids, and overall health. One study used rats genetically prone to strokes. Those rats placed on a restricted-calorie diet delayed the onset of the stroke from the normal 34 days to 70 days — a very significant improvement in the lifespan of a rat. For more information on preventing stroke, read my report "Cut Your Risk of a Deadly Stroke."

Low-calorie diets have been shown to dramatically reduce the incidence of metabolic syndrome, Type-2 diabetes (insulin resistance), and high blood pressure. These diets can also correct abnormal blood lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides, which lower the risk of heart attack and stroke.

A low-calorie diet also has a dramatic effect on brain function and repair.

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