(2008-05-12 14:53:48)
真的很想哭,眨眼間那麽多人便陰陽兩重天!要警惕後邊有更大的地震!每次地震前動物都有異常反應。希望以後多注意動物的活動! 死亡人數已上升到8600多人. 中國人都是一脈同宗,無論你在那兒。我不是四川人,而且遠隔重洋,但是我的心卻懸著,渴望能及時得到災區的最新情況。希望大家盡快組織捐款,將捐款及時送到災區幫他們重建家園。 應該說中國政府在搶險救災時總是較任何國家都做得好。這一點我們應充分給予肯定!防止貪官借機侵吞捐款發國難財 我已在一些WEBSITE作了號召捐款的廣告,到現在為止我已發了5000多個Email給所有我的Email名單的人,我的幾個Email已被BLOCKED.我已收到了六七個人回複,願意捐錢給www.redcross.org.cn ,希望大家積極發動所有能發動力量為災區籌集捐款。可能實際損失要比我們現在看到的嚴重的多的多! Did you hear of the 7.8 earthquake in Sichuan province in China at 2:28am in this morning? I am very sad and can't retain my tears , like 911, when I watched TV, saw the World Trade Center was destroyed, so many people lost their lives just in that moment I can not help my tears! There are 8600 people died currently. More than 10,000.00 people wounded. Lots of people lost their house. It is terrible disaster! If anybody want to contribut, please click this websit:www.redcross.org.cn // Thank you very much. I just tried my best to help the people. I sent nearly 5000 emails to try to ask the people to contribute to the people who live in the earthquake area. I opened up several email addresses to send the emails. But all of them now blocked in the 24 hours. I put some contribution ad on some website. I got some people's reply to want to contribute. I am still upset now. I believe there are more damaged and lost than currently we knew. Maybe more than 10,000.00 people lost their lifes! Many many families won't be happy forever! Sorry to bother you! God bless